Forthcoming events in this series

Mon, 03 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Unknotting number and satellites

Jennifer Hom
(Georgia Tech)

The unknotting number of a knot is the minimum number of crossing changes needed to untie the knot. It is one of the simplest knot invariants to define, yet remains notoriously difficult to compute. We will survey some basic knot theory invariants and constructions, including the satellite knot construction, a straightforward way to build new families of knots. We will give a lower bound on the unknotting number of certain satellites using knot Floer homology. This is joint work in progress with Tye Lidman and JungHwan Park.

Mon, 26 Apr 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Classifying simple amenable C*-algebras

Stuart White
(University of Oxford)

C*-algebras provide non commutative analogues of locally compact Hausdorff spaces. In this talk I’ll provide a survey of the large scale project to classify simple amenable C*-algebras, indicating the role played by non commutative versions of topological ideas. No prior knowledge of C*-algebras will be assumed.

Mon, 15 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Unknot recognition in quasi-polynomial time

Marc Lackenby
(University of Oxford)

I will outline a new algorithm for unknot recognition that runs in quasi-polynomial time. The input is a diagram of a knot with n crossings, and the running time is n^{O(log n)}. The algorithm uses hierarchies, normal surfaces and Heegaard splittings.

Mon, 08 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Conformal blocks for vertex operator algebras, sewing and factorization.

Bin Gui
(Rutgers University)

In rational conformal field theory, the sewing and factorization properties are probably the most important properties that conformal blocks satisfy. For special examples such as Weiss-Zumino-Witten models and minimal models, these two properties were proved decades ago (assuming the genus is ≤1 for the sewing theorem). But for general (strongly) rational vertex operator algebras (VOAs), their proofs were finished only very recently. In this talk, I will first motivate the definition of conformal blocks and VOAs using Segal's picture of CFT. I will then explain the importance of Sewing and Factorization Theorem in the construction of full rational conformal field theory.

Mon, 01 Mar 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Quasi-isometric rigidity of generic cyclic HNN extensions of free groups

Sam Shepherd
(University of Oxford)

Studying quasi-isometries between groups is a major theme in geometric group theory. Of particular interest are the situations where the existence of a quasi-isometry between two groups implies that the groups are equivalent in a stronger algebraic sense, such as being commensurable. I will survey some results of this type, and then talk about recent work with Daniel Woodhouse where we prove quasi-isometric rigidity for certain graphs of virtually free groups, which include "generic" cyclic HNN extensions of free groups.

Mon, 22 Feb 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Chromatic homotopy theory and algebraic K-theory

Akhil Matthew
(University of Chicago)

I will give an overview of the interactions between chromatic homotopy theory and the algebraic K-theory of ring spectra, especially around the subject of Ausoni-Rognes's principle of "chromatic redshift," and some of the recent advances in this field.

Mon, 15 Feb 2021

15:45 - 16:45

The singularity category of C^*(BG)

John Greenlees
(Warwick University)

For an ordinary commutative Noetherian ring R we would define the singularity category to be the quotient of the (derived category of) finitely generated modules modulo the (derived category of) fg projective modules [``the bounded derived category modulo compact objects’’]. For a ring spectrum like C^*(BG) (coefficients in a field of characteristic p) it is easy to define the module category and the compact objects, but finitely generated objects need a new definition. The talk will describe the definition and show that the singularity category is trivial exactly when G is p-nilpotent. We will go on to describe the singularity category for groups with cyclic Sylow p-subgroup.

Mon, 08 Feb 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Veering triangulations and related polynomial invariants

Anna Parlak
(University of Warwick)

Veering triangulations are a special class of ideal triangulations with a rather mysterious combinatorial definition. Their importance follows from a deep connection with pseudo-Anosov flows on 3-manifolds. Recently Landry, Minsky and Taylor introduced a polynomial invariant of veering triangulations called the taut polynomial. During the talk I will discuss how and why it is connected to the Alexander polynomial of the underlying manifold.  

Mon, 01 Feb 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Introduction to Hierarchically Hyperbolic Groups

Davide Spriano
(University of Oxford)

Hierarchically Hyperbolic Groups (HHGs) were introduced by Behrstock—Hagen—Sisto to provide a common framework to study several groups of interest in geometric group theory, and have been an object of great interest in the area ever since. The goal of the talk is to provide an introduction to the theory of HHGs and discuss the advantages of the unified approach that they provide. If time permits, we will conclude with applications to growth and asymptotic cones of groups.

Mon, 25 Jan 2021

15:45 - 16:45

The Friedl-Tillmann polytope

Dawid Kielak
(University of Oxford)

I will introduce the Friedl-Tillmann polytope for one-relator groups, and then discuss how it can be generalised to the Friedl-Lück polytope, how it connects to the Thurston polytope, and how we can view it as a convenient source of intuition and ideas.

Mon, 18 Jan 2021

15:45 - 16:45

E∞-algebras and general linear groups

Oscar Randal-Williams
(Cambridge University)

I will discuss joint work with S. Galatius and A. Kupers in which we investigate the homology of general linear groups over a ring $A$ by considering the collection of all their classifying spaces as a graded $E_\infty$-algebra. I will first explain diverse results that we obtained in this investigation, which can be understood without reference to $E_\infty$-algebras but which seem unrelated to each other: I will then explain how the point of view of cellular $E_\infty$-algebras unites them.

Mon, 30 Nov 2020

Right-angled Artin subgroup of Artin groups

Kasia Jankiewicz
(University of Chicago)

Artin groups are a family of groups generalizing braid groups. The Tits conjecture, which was proved by Crisp-Paris, states that squares of the standard generators generate an obvious right-angled Artin subgroup. In a joint work with Kevin Schreve, we consider a larger collection of elements, and conjecture that their sufficiently large powers generate an obvious right-angled Artin subgroup. In the case of the braid group, regarded as a mapping class group of a punctured disc, these elements correspond to Dehn twist around the loops enclosing multiple consecutive punctures. This alleged right-angled Artin group is in some sense as large as possible; its nerve is homeomorphic to the nerve of the ambient Artin group. We verify this conjecture for some classes of Artin groups. We use our results to conclude that certain Artin groups contain hyperbolic surface subgroups, answering questions of Gordon, Long and Reid.

Mon, 23 Nov 2020

Constructing examples of infinity operads: a study of normalised cacti

Luciana Bonatto
(University of Oxford)

Operads are tools to encode operations satisfying algebro-homotopic relations. They have proved to be extremely useful tools, for instance for detecting spaces that are iterated loop spaces. However, in many natural examples, composition of operations is only associative up to homotopy and operads are too strict to captured these phenomena. This leads to the notion of infinity operads. While they are a well-established tool, there are few examples of infinity operads in the literature that are not the nerve of an actual operad. I will introduce new topological operad of bracketed trees that can be used to identify and construct natural examples of infinity operads. The key example for this talk will be the normalised cacti model for genus 0 surfaces.

Glueing surfaces along their boundaries defines composition laws that have been used to construct topological field theories and to compute the homology of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. Normalised cacti are a graphical model for the moduli space of genus 0 oriented surfaces. They are endowed with a composition that corresponds to glueing surfaces along their boundaries, but this composition is not associative. By using the operad of bracketed trees, I will show that this operation is associative up to all higher homotopies and hence that normalised cacti form an infinity operad.

Mon, 16 Nov 2020

Cohomology of group theoretic Dehn fillings

Bin Sun
(University of Oxford)

We study a group theoretic analog of Dehn fillings of 3-manifolds and derive a spectral sequence to compute the cohomology of Dehn fillings of hyperbolically embedded subgroups. As applications, we generalize the results of Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin and Hull on SQ-universality and common quotients of acylindrically hyperbolic groups by adding cohomological finiteness conditions. This is a joint work with Nansen Petrosyan.

Mon, 09 Nov 2020

Triangle presentations and tilting modules for SL(n)

Corey Jones
(University of North Carolina)

Triangle presentations are combinatorial structures on finite projective geometries which characterize groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of locally finite affine A_n buildings. From this data, we will show how to construct new fiber functors on the category of tilting modules for SL(n+1) in characteristic p (related to order of the projective geometry) using the web calculus of Cautis, Kamnitzer, Morrison and Brundan, Entova-Aizenbud, Etingof, Ostrik.

Mon, 02 Nov 2020

Isotopy in dimension 4

Ryan Budney
(University of Victoria)

The main result is the existence of smooth, properly embedded 3-discs in S¹ × D³ that are not smoothly isotopic to {1} × D³. We describe a 2-variable Laurent polynomial invariant of 3-discs in S¹ × D³. This allows us to show that, when taken up to isotopy, such 3-discs form an abelian group of infinite rank. Joint work with David Gabai.

Mon, 26 Oct 2020

Homological duality: jumping loci, propagation, realization

Laurentiu Maxim
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)

I will discuss recent progress on the study of homological duality properties of complex algebraic manifolds, with a view towards the projective Singer-Hopf conjecture. (Joint work with Y. Liu and B. Wang.)

Mon, 19 Oct 2020

The Universe from a single particle (apologies to William Blake)

Michael Freedman
(Microsoft Research)

In Joint work with Modj Shokrian-Zini we study (numerically) our proposal that interacting physics can arise from single particle quantum Mechanics through spontaneous symmetry breaking SSB. The staring point is the claim the difference between single and many particle physics amounts to the probability distribution on the space of Hamiltonians. Hamiltonians for interacting systems seem to know about some local, say qubit, structure, on the Hilbert space, whereas typical QM systems need not have such internal structure. I will discuss how the former might arise from the latter in a toy model. This story is intended as a “prequel” to the decades old reductionist story in which low energy standard model physics is supposed to arise from something quite different at high energy. We ask the question: Can interacting physics itself can arise from something simpler.

Mon, 12 Oct 2020

Teichmuller flow and complex geometry of Moduli spaces

Vlad Marković
(University of Oxford)

I will discuss connections between ambient geometry of Moduli spaces and Teichmuller dynamics. This includes the recent resolution of the Siu's conjecture about convexity of Teichmuller spaces, and the (conjectural) topological description of the Caratheodory metric on Moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces.

Mon, 22 Jun 2020

Weil-Petersson geodesics and geometry of 3-manifolds

Yair Minsky
(Yale University)

There is a well-known correspondence between Weil-Petersson geodesic loops in the moduli space of a surface S and hyperbolic 3-manifolds fibering over the circle with fibre S. Much is unknown, however, about the detailed relationship between geometric features of the loops and those of the 3-manifolds.

In work with Leininger-Souto-Taylor we study the relation between WP length and 3-manifold volume, when the length (suitably normalized) is bounded and the fiber topology is unbounded. We obtain a WP analogue of a theorem proved by Farb-Leininger-Margalit for the Teichmuller metric. In work with Modami, we fix the fiber topology and study connections between the thick-thin decomposition of a geodesic loop and that of the corresponding 3-manifold. While these decompositions are often in direct correspondence, we exhibit examples where the correspondence breaks down. This leaves the full conjectural picture somewhat mysterious, and raises many questions. 

Mon, 15 Jun 2020

15:45 - 16:45

Smooth Open-Closed Field Theories from Gerbes and D-Branes

Severin Bunk
(University of Hamburg)

In this talk I will present results from an ongoing joint research  program with Konrad Waldorf. Its main goal is to understand the  relation between gerbes on a manifold M and open-closed smooth field  theories on M. Gerbes can be viewed as categorified line bundles, and  we will see how gerbes with connections on M and their sections give  rise to smooth open-closed field theories on M. If time permits, we  will see that the field theories arising in this way have several characteristic properties, such as invariance under thin homotopies,  and that they carry positive reflection structures. From a physical  perspective, ourconstruction formalises the WZW amplitude as part of  a smooth bordism-type field theory.

Mon, 08 Jun 2020

The rates of growth in a hyperbolic group

Zlil Sela
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

We study the countable set of rates of growth of a hyperbolic 
group with respect to all its finite generating sets. We prove that the 
set is well-ordered, and that every real number can be the rate of growth 
of at most finitely many generating sets up to automorphism of the group.

We prove that the ordinal of the set of rates of growth is at least $ω^ω$, 
and in case the group is a limit group (e.g., free and surface groups), it 
is $ω^ω$.

We further study the rates of growth of all the finitely generated 
subgroups of a hyperbolic group with respect to all their finite 
generating sets. This set is proved to be well-ordered as well, and every 
real number can be the rate of growth of at most finitely many isomorphism 
classes of finite generating sets of subgroups of a given hyperbolic 
group. Finally, we strengthen our results to include rates of growth of 
all the finite generating sets of all the subsemigroups of a hyperbolic 

Joint work with Koji Fujiwara.

Mon, 01 Jun 2020

Trying to understand mapping class groups of algebraic surfaces from the Thurstonian point of view

Benson Farb
(University of Chicago)

In some ways the theory of mapping class groups of 4-manifolds is in 2020 at the same place where the theory of mapping class groups of 2-manifolds was in 1973, before Thurston changed everything.  In this talk I will describe some first steps in an ongoing joint project with Eduard Looijenga where we are trying to understand mapping class groups of certain algebraic surfaces (e.g. rational elliptic surfaces, and also K3 surfaces) from the Thurstonian point of view.

Mon, 18 May 2020

Boundaries and 3-dimensional topological field theories

Dan Freed
(University of Texas at Austin)

Just as differential equations often boundary conditions of various types, so too do quantum field theories often admit boundary theories. I will explain these notions and then discuss a theorem proved with Constantin Teleman, essentially characterizing certain 3-dimensional topological field theories which admit nonzero boundary theories. One application is to gapped systems in condensed matter physics.

Mon, 11 May 2020

Torus knots in contact topology

Irena Matkovic

Tight contact structures on knot complements arise both from Legendrian realizations of the knot in the standard tight contact structure and from the non-loose Legendrian realizations in the overtwisted structures on the sphere. In this talk, we will deal with negative torus knots. We wish to concentrate on the relations between these various Legendrian realizations of a knot and the contact structures on the surgeries along the knot. In particular, we will build every contact structure by a single Legendrian surgery, and relate the knot properties to the properties of surgeries; namely, tightness, fillability and non-vanishing Heegaard Floer invariant.