Mon, 16 May 2016
16:00 - 17:00
Theodora Bourni
Freie Universität Berlin
In this talk we discuss a new second order parabolic evolution equation

for hypersurfaces in space-time initial data sets, that generalizes mean

curvature flow (MCF). In particular, the 'null mean curvature' - a

space-time extrinsic curvature quantity - replaces the usual mean

curvature in the evolution equation defining MCF.  This flow is motivated

by the study of black holes and mass/energy inequalities in general

relativity. We present a theory of weak solutions using the level-set

method and  outline a natural application of the flow as a parabolic

approach to finding outermost marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTS),

which play the role of quasi-local black hole boundaries in general

relativity. This is joint work with Kristen Moore.
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