Please note that the list below only shows forthcoming events, which may not include regular events that have not yet been entered for the forthcoming term. Please see the past events page for a list of all seminar series that the department has on offer.


Past events in this series

Thu, 23 Jan 2025

12:00 - 13:00

Optimal design of odd active solids

Anton Souslov
(University of Cambridge)

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Further Information

Anton Souslov is an Associate Professor of Theoretical Statistical Physics working on the theory of soft materials, including mechanical metamaterials, active matter, topological states, and polymer physics.


Active solids consume energy to allow for actuation and shape change not possible in equilibrium. I will first introduce active solids in comparison with their active fluid counterparts. I will then focus on active solids composed of non-reciprocal springs and show how so-called odd elastic moduli arise in these materials. Odd active solids have counter-intuitive elastic properties and require new design principles for optimal response. For example, in floppy lattices, zero modes couple to microscopic non-reciprocity, which destroys odd moduli entirely in a phenomenon reminiscent of rigidity percolation. Instead, an optimal odd lattice will be sufficiently soft to activate elastic deformations, but not too soft. These results provide a theoretical underpinning for recent experiments and point to the design of novel soft machines.



Thu, 30 Jan 2025

12:00 - 13:00

Spontaneous shape transformations of active surfaces

Alexander Mietke
(Department of Physics)

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Further Information

Alexander Mietke is a theoretical physicist working on active and living matter. He frequently collaborates with experimentalists who study processes at the cell, tissue and organism scale to identify minimal physical principles that guide these processes. This often inspires new theoretical work on topics in non-equilibrium soft matter physics, more broadly in the self-organization of mechanical and chemical patterns in active matter, the emergent shape dynamics of membranes and active surfaces, liquid crystals in complex geometries, chirality in active systems, as well as in developing coarse-graining and inference approaches that are directly applicable to experimental data. 


Biological matter has the fascinating ability to autonomously generate material deformations via intrinsic active forces, where the latter are often present within effectively two-dimensional structures. The dynamics of such “active surfaces” inevitably entails a complex, self-organized interplay between geometry of a surface and its mechanical interactions with the surrounding. The impact of these factors on the self-organization capacity of surfaces made of an active material, and how related effects are exploited in biological systems, is largely unknown.

In this talk, I will first discuss general numerical challenges in analysing self-organising active surfaces and the bifurcation structure of emergent shape spaces. I will then focus on active surfaces with broken up-down symmetry, of which the eukaryotic cell cortex and epithelial tissues are highly abundant biological examples. In such surfaces, a natural interplay arises between active stresses and surface curvature. We demonstrate that this interplay leads to a comprehensive library of spontaneous shape transformations that resemble stereotypical morphogenetic processes. These include cell-division-like invaginations and the autonomous formation of tubular surfaces of arbitrary length, both of which robustly overcome well-known shape instabilities that would arise in analogue passive systems.



Thu, 06 Feb 2025

12:00 - 13:00

Modelling flying formations and vortex ring motions

Christiana Mavroyiakoumou
( Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

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Further Information

Christiana is an Assistant Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University) working in the Applied Math Lab, primarily with Leif Ristroph and Jun Zhang. Her interests are in using modeling, numerical simulations, and experiments to study fluid dynamical problems, with an emphasis on fluid-structure interactions.

Currently Christiana is working on understanding the role of flow interactions in flying bird formations and the hydrodynamics of swimming fish.


We consider two problems in fluid dynamics: the collective locomotion of flying animals and the interaction of vortex rings with fluid interfaces. First, we present a model of formation flight, viewing the group as a material whose properties arise from the flow-mediated interactions among its members. This aerodynamic model explains how flapping flyers produce vortex wakes and how they are influenced by the wakes of others. Long in-line arrays show that the group behaves as a soft, excitable "crystal" with regularly ordered member "atoms" whose positioning is susceptible to deformations and dynamical instabilities. Second, we delve into the phenomenon of vortex ring reflections at water-air interfaces. Experimental observations reveal reflections analogous to total internal reflection of a light beam. We present a vortex-pair--vortex-sheet model to simulate this phenomenon, offering insights into the fundamental interactions of vortex rings with free surfaces.

Thu, 13 Feb 2025



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Thu, 20 Feb 2025

12:00 - 13:00

Advanced Effective Models in Elasticity

Claire Lestringant
(Sorbonne University)

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Further Information

Dr Claire Lestringant explores new models for understanding the mechanics of thin structures under large deformations, used for example to understand morphogenesis in biological systems or for the design of multi-stable, reconfigurable space structures. She received a PhD in Mechanics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2017 and worked as a post-doc in D. Kochmann’s group at ETH Zurich in Switzerland.


I will discuss two classes of effective, macroscopic models in elasticity: (i) 1D models applicable to thin structures, and (ii) homogenized 2D or 3D continua applicable to materials with a periodic microstructure. In both systems, the separation of scales calls for the definition of macroscopic models that slave fine-scale fluctuations to an effective, macroscopic deformation field. I will show how such models can be established in a systematic and rigorous way based on a two-scale expansion that accounts for nonlinear and higher-order (i.e. deformation gradient) effects. I will further demonstrate that the resulting models accurately predict nonlinear effects, finite size effects and localization for a set of examples. Finally, I will discuss two challenges that arise when solving these effective models: (1) missed boundary layer effects and (2) negative stiffness associated with higher-order terms.

Thu, 27 Feb 2025

12:00 - 13:00


Anand Oza
(New Jersey Institute of Technology)

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Further Information

Anand Oza is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences as a part of the Complex Flows and Soft Matter (CFSM) Group. He is interested in fluid mechanics and nonlinear dynamics, with applications to soft matter physics and biology. His research utilizes a combination of analytical techniques and numerical simulations, collaborating with experimentalists whenever possible.

Thu, 06 Mar 2025

12:00 - 13:00


Kasper Petersen
(University of Oxford)

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Thu, 13 Mar 2025

12:00 - 13:00


Robb McDonald

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Further Information

Robb McDonald is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. His research falls into two areas: 

(i) geophysical fluid dynamics, including rotating stratified flows, rotating hydraulics, coastal outflows, geophysical vortices and topographic effects on geophysical flows.

(ii) complex variable methods applied to 2D free-boundary problems. This includes vortex dynamics, Loewner evolution, Hele-Shaw flows and Laplacian growth, industrial coating problems, and pattern formation in nature.