Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Dehn functions of nilpotent groups

Jerónimo García-Mejía

Since Gromov's celebrated polynomial growth theorem, the understanding of nilpotent groups has become a cornerstone of geometric group theory. An interesting aspect is the conjectural quasiisometry classification of nilpotent groups. One important quasiisometry invariant that plays a significant role in the pursuit of classifying these groups is the Dehn function, which quantifies the solvability of the world problem of a finitely presented group. Notably, Gersten, Holt, and Riley's work established that the Dehn function of a nilpotent group of class $c$ is bounded above by $n^{c+1}$.  

In this talk, I will explain recent results that allow us to compute Dehn functions for extensive families of nilpotent groups arising as central products. Consequently, we obtain a large collection of pairs of nilpotent groups with bilipschitz equivalent asymptotic cones but with different Dehn functions.

This talk is based on joint work with Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Gabriel Pallier.

Tue, 23 Jul 2024

Dehn functions of nilpotent groups

Jerónimo García-Mejía

Since Gromov's celebrated polynomial growth theorem, the understanding of nilpotent groups has become a cornerstone of geometric group theory. An interesting aspect is the conjectural quasiisometry classification of nilpotent groups. One important quasiisometry invariant that plays a significant role in the pursuit of classifying these groups is the Dehn function, which quantifies the solvability of the world problem of a finitely presented group. Notably, Gersten, Holt, and Riley's work established that the Dehn function of a nilpotent group of class $c$ is bounded above by $n^{c+1}$.  

In this talk, I will explain recent results that allow us to compute Dehn functions for extensive families of nilpotent groups arising as central products. Consequently, we obtain a large collection of pairs of nilpotent groups with bilipschitz equivalent asymptotic cones but with different Dehn functions.

This talk is based on joint work with Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Gabriel Pallier.

Tue, 11 Jun 2024


Motiejus Valiunas
Tue, 04 Jun 2024

Mapping class group orbit closures for non-orientable surfaces

Irene Pasquinelli

The space of measured laminations on a hyperbolic surface is a generalisation of the set of weighted multi curves. The action of the mapping class group on this space is an important tool in the study of the geometry of the surface. 
For orientable surfaces, orbit closures are now well-understood and were classified by Lindenstrauss and Mirzakhani. In particular, it is one of the pillars of Mirzakhani’s curve counting theorems. 
For non-orientable surfaces, the behaviour of this action is very different and the classification fails. In this talk I will review some of these differences and describe mapping class group orbit closures of (projective) measured laminations for non-orientable surfaces. This is joint work with Erlandsson, Gendulphe and Souto.

Tue, 28 May 2024

Quasiisometric embeddings of groups into finite products of binary trees

Patrick Nairne

If a group quasiisometrically embeds into a finite product of infinite valence trees then a number of things are implied; for example, the group will have finite Assouad-Nagata dimension and finite asymptotic dimension. An even stronger statement is that the group quasiisometrically embeds into a finite product of uniformly bounded valence trees. The research on which groups quasiisometrically embed into finite products of uniformly bounded valence trees is limited, however a notable result of Buyalo, Dranishnikov and Schroeder from 2007 proves that all hyperbolic groups do admit these quasiisometric embeddings. In a recently released preprint, I extend their result to cover groups which are relatively hyperbolic with respect to virtually abelian peripheral subgroups. 

This talk will focus on the ideas at the core of Buyalo, Dranishnikov and Schroeder’s result and the extension that I proved, and in particular I will attempt to provide a general framework for upgrading quasiisometric embeddings into infinite valence trees so that they are now quasiisometric embeddings into uniformly bounded valence trees. The central concept is called a diary which I will define. 

Tue, 21 May 2024

Rigidity and automorphisms of group von Neumann algebras

Denis Osin

I will survey some recent results on rigidity and automorphisms of von Neumann algebras of groups with Kazhdan property (T) obtained in a series of joint papers with I. Chifan, A. Ioana, and B. Sun. Specifically, we show that certain groups, constructed via a group-theoretic version of Dehn filling in 3-manifolds, satisfy several conjectures proposed by A. Connes, V. Jones, and S. Popa. Previously, no nontrivial examples of groups satisfying these conjectures were known. At the core of our approach is the new notion of a wreath-like product of groups, which seems to be of independent interest.

Tue, 14 May 2024

Extension of Möbius boundary homeomorphisms

Urs Lang
In this talk, I will review recent results of K. Biswas. It is an open problem whether 
every Möbius homeomorphism between the visual boundaries of two Hadamard 
manifolds of curvature at most -1 extends to an isometry between them. A positive 
answer would resolve the long-standing marked length spectrum rigidity conjecture 
of Burns-Katok for closed negatively curved manifolds. Biswas' results yield an 
isometry between certain functorial thickenings of the manifolds, which lie within 
uniformly bounded distance and can be identified with their injective hulls.
Tue, 07 May 2024

Oka manifolds and their role in complex analysis and geometry

Franc Forstneric

Oka theory is about the validity of the h-principle in complex analysis and geometry. In this expository lecture, I will trace its main developments, from the classical results of Kiyoshi Oka (1939) and Hans Grauert (1958), through the seminal work of Mikhail Gromov (1989), to the introduction of Oka manifolds (2009) and the present state of knowledge. The lecture does not assume any prior exposure to this theory.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Graph products and measure equivalence

Camille Horbez

Measure equivalence was introduced by Gromov as a measure-theoretic analogue to quasi-isometry between finitely generated groups. In this talk I will present measure equivalence classification results for right-angled Artin groups, and more generally graph products. This is based on joint works with Jingyin Huang and with Amandine Escalier. 

Tue, 23 Apr 2024

Approximate lattices: structure and beyond

Simon Machado

Approximate lattices are aperiodic generalisations of lattices in locally compact groups. They were first introduced in abelian groups by Yves Meyer before being studied as mathematical models for quasi-crystals. Since then their structure has been thoroughly investigated in both abelian and non-abelian settings.

In this talk I will survey what is known of the structure of approximate lattices. I will highlight some objects - such as a notion of cohomology sitting between group cohomology and bounded cohomology - that appear in their study. I will also formulate open problems and conjectures related to approximate lattices. 

Tue, 05 Mar 2024

Sharp spectral gaps for scl from negative curvature

Alexis Marchand

Stable commutator length is a measure of homological complexity of group elements, which is known to take large values in the presence of various notions of negative curvature. We will present a new geometric proof of a theorem of Heuer on sharp lower bounds for scl in right-angled Artin groups. Our proof relates letter-quasimorphisms (which are analogues of real-valued quasimorphisms with image in free groups) to negatively curved angle structures for surfaces estimating scl.

Tue, 27 Feb 2024

Sublinear rigidity of lattices in semisimple Lie groups

Ido Grayevsky

I will talk about the coarse geometry of lattices in real semisimple Lie groups. One great result from the 1990s is the quasi-isometric rigidity of these lattices: any group that is quasi-isometric to such a lattice must be, up to some minor adjustments, isomorphic to lattice in the same Lie group. I present a partial generalization of this result to the setting of Sublinear Bilipschitz Equivalences (SBE): these are maps that generalize quasi-isometries in some 'sublinear' fashion.

Tue, 20 Feb 2024

Counting geodesics of given commutator length

Viveka Erlandsson

Abstract: It’s a classical result by Huber that the number of closed geodesics of length bounded by L on a closed hyperbolic surface S is asymptotic to exp(L)/L as L grows. This result has been generalized in many directions, for example by counting certain subsets of closed geodesics. One such result is the asymptotic growth of those that are homologically trivial, proved independently by both by Phillips-Sarnak and Katsura-Sunada. A homologically trivial curve can be written as a product of commutators, and in this talk we will look at those that can be written as a product of g commutators (in a sense, those that bound a genus g subsurface) and obtain their asymptotic growth. As a special case, our methods give a geometric proof of Huber’s classical theorem. This is joint work with Juan Souto. 

Tue, 13 Feb 2024

Asymptotic mapping class groups of Cantor manifolds and their finiteness properties

Nansen Petrosyan

We introduce a new class of groups with Thompson-like group properties. In the surface case, the asymptotic mapping class group contains mapping class groups of finite type surfaces with boundary. In dimension three, it contains automorphism groups of all finite rank free groups. I will explain how asymptotic mapping class groups act on a CAT(0) cube complex which allows us to show that they are of type F_infinity. 

This is joint work with Javier Aramayona, Kai-Uwe Bux, Jonas Flechsig and Xaolei Wu.

Tue, 06 Feb 2024

On the abelianization of the level 2 congruence group of the mapping class group.

Tara Brendle

We will survey work of Birman-Craggs, Johnson, and Sato on the abelianization of the level 2 congruence group of the mapping class group of a surface, and of the corresponding Torelli group. We will then describe recent work of Lewis providing a common framework for both abelianizations, with applications including a partial answer to a question of Johnson.

Tue, 30 Jan 2024

How hard is it to know if there is an epimorphism from one group to another

Murray Elder

Let C,D be classes of finitely presented groups. The epimorphism problem from C to D is the following decision problem:

Input: Finite descriptions (presentation, multiplication table, other) for groups  G in C and H in D

Question: Is there an epimorphism from G to H?

I will discuss some cases where it is decidable and where it is NP-complete. Spoiler alert: it is undecidable for C=D=the class of 2-step nilpotent groups (Remeslennikov).

This is joint work with Jerry Shen (UTS) and Armin Weiss (Stuttgart).

Tue, 23 Jan 2024

Cocycle and orbit equivalence superrigidity for measure preserving actions

Daniel Drimbe

The classification of measure preserving actions up to orbit equivalence has attracted a lot of interest in the last 25 years. The goal of this talk is to survey the major discoveries in the field, including Popa's cocycle and orbit equivalence superrigidity theorem and discuss some recent superrigidity results for dense subgroups of Lie groups acting by translation.

Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Profinite invariants of fibered groups

Monika Kudlinska

A central question in infinite group theory is to determine how much global information about a group is encoded in its set of finite quotients. In this talk, we will discuss this problem in the case of algebraically fibered groups, which naturally generalise fundamental groups of compact manifolds that fiber over the circle. The study of such groups exploits the relationships between the geometry of the classifying space, the dynamics of the monodromy map, and the algebra of the group, and as such draws from all of these areas.

Tue, 28 Nov 2023

Fixed points of group homomorphisms and the Post Correspondence Problem

Laura Ciobanu

The Post Correspondence Problem (PCP) is a classical problem in computer science that can be stated as: is it decidable whether given two morphisms g and h between two free semigroups $A$ and $B$, there is any nontrivial $x$ in $A$ such that $g(x)=h(x)$? This question can be phrased in terms of equalisers, asked in the context of free groups, and expanded: if the `equaliser' of $g$ and $h$ is defined to be the subgroup consisting of all $x$ where $g(x)=h(x)$, it is natural to wonder not only whether the equaliser is trivial, but what its rank or basis might be. 

While the PCP for semigroups is famously insoluble and acts as a source of undecidability in many areas of computer science, the PCP for free groups is open, as are the related questions about rank, basis, or further generalisations. In this talk I will give an overview of what is known about the PCP in hyperbolic groups, nilpotent groups and beyond (joint work with Alex Levine and Alan Logan).

Tue, 21 Nov 2023

Residual finiteness and actions on trees

Gareth Wilkes

One of the more common ways to study a residually finite group (or its profinite completion) is via breaking it down into a graph of groups in some way. The descriptions of this theory generally found in the literature are highly algebraic and difficult to digest. I will present alternative, more geometric, definitions and perspectives on these theories based on properties of virtually free groups and their profinite completions.

Tue, 14 Nov 2023

Classifiability of crossed products by nonamenable groups

Julian Kranz

The celebrated Kirchberg-Phillips classification theorem classifies so-called Kirchberg algebras by K-theory. Many examples of Kirchberg algebras can be constructed via the crossed product construction starting from a group action on a compact space. One might ask: When exactly does the crossed product construction produce a Kirchberg algebra? In joint work with Gardella, Geffen, and Naryshkin, we obtained a dynamical answer to this question for a large class of nonamenable groups which we call "groups with paradoxical towers". Our class includes many non-positively curved groups such as acylindrically hyperbolic groups and lattices in Lie groups. I will try to advertise our notion of paradoxical towers, outline how we use it, and pose some open questions.

Tue, 07 Nov 2023

From strong contraction to hyperbolicity

Stefanie Zbinden

For almost 10 years, it has been known that if a group contains a strongly contracting element, then it is acylindrically hyperbolic. Moreover, one can use the Projection Complex of Bestvina, Bromberg and Fujiwara to construct a hyperbolic space where said element acts WPD. For a long time, the following question remained unanswered: if Morse is equivalent to strongly contracting, does there exist a space where all generalized loxodromics act WPD? In this talk, I will present a construction of a hyperbolic space, that answers this question positively.

Tue, 31 Oct 2023

Coarse obstructions to cubulation

Harry Petyt

Given a group $G$, finding a geometric action of $G$ on a CAT(0) cube complex can be used to say some rather strong things about $G$. Such actions are not always easy to find, however, which makes it useful to have sufficient conditions, both for existence and for non-existence. This talk concerns the latter: we shall see a coarse geometric obstruction to a group admitting a cocompact cubulation. Based on joint work with Zach Munro.

Tue, 24 Oct 2023

Measure doubling for small sets in SO(3,R).

Yifan Jing

Let $SO(3,R)$ be the $3D$-rotation group equipped with the real-manifold topology and the normalized Haar measure $\mu$. Confirming a conjecture by Breuillard and Green, we show that if $A$ is an open subset of $SO(3,R)$ with sufficiently small measure, then $\mu(A^2) > 3.99 \mu(A)$. This is joint work with Chieu-Minh Tran (NUS) and Ruixiang Zhang (Berkeley). 

Tue, 17 Oct 2023

Dehn functions of central products of nilpotent groups

Claudio Llosa Isenrich

The Dehn function of a finitely presented group provides a quantitative measure for the difficulty of detecting if a word in its generators represents the trivial element of the group. By work of Gersten, Holt and Riley the Dehn function of a nilpotent group of class $c$ is bounded above by $n^{c+1}$. However, we are still far from determining the precise Dehn functions of all nilpotent groups. In this talk, I will explain recent results that allow us to determine the Dehn functions of large classes of nilpotent groups arising as central products. As a consequence, for every $k>2$, we obtain many pairs of finitely presented $k$-nilpotent groups with bilipschitz asymptotic cones, but with different Dehn functions. This shows that Dehn functions can distinguish between nilpotent groups with the same asymptotic cone, making them interesting in the context of the conjectural quasi-isometry classification of nilpotent groups.  This talk is based on joint works with García-Mejía, Pallier and Tessera.