Forthcoming events in this series

Fri, 06 Jun 2014

16:30 - 17:30

Linear Algebra and the Shape of Bird Beaks

Prof. Michael Brenner

Evolution by natural selection has resulted in a remarkable diversity of organism morphologies. But is it possible for developmental processes to create “any possible shape?” Or are there intrinsic constraints? I will discuss our recent exploration into the shapes of bird beaks. Initially, inspired by the discovery of genes controlling the shapes of beaks of Darwin's finches, we showed that the morphological diversity in the beaks of Darwin’s Finches is quantitatively accounted for by the mathematical group of affine transformations. We have extended this to show that the space of shapes of bird beaks is not large, and that a large phylogeny (including finches, cardinals, sparrows, etc.) are accurately spanned by only three independent parameters -- the shapes of these bird beaks are all pieces of conic sections. After summarizing the evidence for these conclusions, I will delve into our efforts to create mathematical models that connect these patterns to the developmental mechanism leading to a beak. It turns out that there are simple (but precise) constraints on any mathematical model that leads to the observed phenomenology, leading to explicit predictions for the time dynamics of beak development in song birds. Experiments testing these predictions for the development of zebra finch beaks will be presented.

Based on the following papers:

Fri, 28 Feb 2014

16:30 - 17:30

Regularity and singularity of area-minimizing currents

Professor Camillo De Lellis
(Universität Zürich)

The Plateau's problem, named after the Belgian physicist J. Plateau, is a classic in the calculus of variations and regards minimizing the area among all surfaces spanning a given contour. Although Plateau's original concern were $2$-dimensional surfaces in the $3$-dimensional space, generations of mathematicians have considered such problem in its generality. A successful existence theory, that of integral currents, was developed by De Giorgi in the case of hypersurfaces in the fifties and by Federer and Fleming in the general case in the sixties. When dealing with hypersurfaces, the minimizers found in this way are rather regular: the corresponding regularity theory has been the achievement of several mathematicians in the 60es, 70es and 80es (De Giorgi, Fleming, Almgren, Simons, Bombieri, Giusti, Simon among others).

In codimension higher than one, a phenomenon which is absent for hypersurfaces, namely that of branching, causes very serious problems: a famous theorem of Wirtinger and Federer shows that any holomorphic subvariety in $\mathbb C^n$ is indeed an area-minimizing current. A celebrated monograph of Almgren solved the issue at the beginning of the 80es, proving that the singular set of a general area-minimizing (integral) current has (real) codimension at least 2. However, his original (typewritten) manuscript was more than 1700 pages long. In a recent series of works with Emanuele Spadaro we have given a substantially shorter and simpler version of Almgren's theory, building upon large portions of his program but also bringing some new ideas from partial differential equations, metric analysis and metric geometry. In this talk I will try to give a feeling for the difficulties in the proof and how they can be overcome.

Fri, 31 Jan 2014

16:30 - 17:30

The Surface Subgroup Problem

Professor Vladimir Markovic
(University of Cambridge (DPMMS))

The surface subgroup problem asks whether a given group contains a subgroup that is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed surface. In this talk I will survey the role that the surface subgroup problem plays in some important solved and unsolved problems in the theory of 3-manifolds, the geometric group theory, and the theory of arithmetic manifolds.

Fri, 15 Nov 2013

16:30 - 17:30

Heights of motives

Professor Kazuya Kato
(University of Chicago)

The height of a rational number a/b (a,b integers which are coprime) is defined as max(|a|, |b|). A rational number with small (resp. big) height is a simple (resp. complicated) number. Though the notion height is so naive, height has played a fundamental role in number theory. There are important variants of this notion. In 1983, when Faltings proved the Mordell conjecture (a conjecture formulated in 1921), he first proved the Tate conjecture for abelian varieties (it was also a great conjecture) by defining heights of abelian varieties, and then deducing Mordell conjecture from this. The height of an abelian variety tells how complicated are the numbers we need to define the abelian variety. In this talk, after these initial explanations, I will explain that this height is generalized to heights of motives. (A motive is a kind of generalisation of abelian variety.) This generalisation of height is related to open problems in number theory. If we can prove finiteness of the number of motives of bounded height, we can prove important conjectures in number theory such as general Tate conjecture and Mordell-Weil type conjectures in many cases.

Fri, 07 Jun 2013

Langlands functoriality and non linear Poisson formulas

Professor Laurent Lafforgue

"We introduce some type of generalized Poisson formula which is equivalent 
to Langlands' automorphic transfer from an arbitrary reductive group over a 
global field to a general linear group."

Mon, 29 Apr 2013

Systemic Risk

George Papanicolaou
(Stanford University)

The quantification and management of risk in financial markets
is at the center of modern financial mathematics. But until recently, risk
assessment models did not consider the effects of inter-connectedness of
financial agents and the way risk diversification impacts the stability of
markets. I will give an introduction to these problems and discuss the
implications of some mathematical models for dealing with them. 

Fri, 22 Feb 2013

Recent applications of and trends in model theory.

Professor Anand Pillay
(University of Leeds)

There are many recent points of contact of model theory and other 
parts of mathematics: o-minimality and Diophantine geometry, geometric group 
theory, additive combinatorics, rigid geometry,...  I will probably 
emphasize  long-standing themes around stability, Diophantine geometry, and 
analogies between ODE's and bimeromorphic geometry.

Fri, 09 Nov 2012

Numerical Methods for Tsunami Modeling and Hazard Assessment

Randall J. LeVeque
(Applied Mathematics Department University of Washington)

 Many geophysical flows over topography can be modeled by two-dimensional
depth-averaged fluid dynamics equations.  The shallow water equations
are the simplest example of this type, and are often sufficiently
accurate for simulating tsunamis and other large-scale flows such
as storm surge.  These hyperbolic partial differential equations
can be modeled using high-resolution finite volume methods.  However,
several features of these flows lead to new algorithmic challenges,
e.g. the need for well-balanced methods to capture small perturbations
to the ocean at rest, the desire to model inundation and flooding,
and that vastly differing spatial scales that must often be modeled,
making adaptive mesh refinement essential. I will discuss some of
the algorithms implemented in the open source software GeoClaw that
is aimed at solving real-world geophysical flow problems over
topography.  I'll also show results of some recent studies of the
11 March 2011 Tohoku Tsunami and discuss the use of tsunami modeling
in probabilistic hazard assessment.

Fri, 08 Jun 2012

Bilipschitz embeddings of metric spaces in Banach spaces

Bruce Kleiner

A map betweem metric spaces is a bilipschitz homeomorphism if it

is Lipschitz and has a Lipschitz inverse; a map is a bilipschitz embedding

if it is a bilipschitz homeomorphism onto its image. Given metric spaces

X and Y, one may ask if there is a bilipschitz embedding X--->Y, and if

so, one may try to find an embedding with minimal distortion, or at least

estimate the best bilipschitz constant. Such bilipschitz embedding

problems arise in various areas of mathematics, including geometric group

theory, Banach space geometry, and geometric analysis; in the last 10

years they have also attracted a lot of attention in theoretical computer


The lecture will be a survey bilipschitz embedding in Banach spaces from

the viewpoint of geometric analysis.

Fri, 04 May 2012

Social networks that balance themselves

Professor Steven Strogatz
(Cornell University)

 Consider a fully-connected social network of people, companies,
or countries, modeled as an undirected complete graph with real numbers on
its edges. Positive edges link friends; negative edges link enemies.
I'll discuss two simple models of how the edge weights of such networks
might evolve over time, as they seek a balanced state in which "the enemy of
my enemy is my friend." The mathematical techniques involve elementary
ideas from linear algebra, random graphs, statistical physics, and
differential equations. Some motivating examples from international
relations and social psychology will also be discussed. This is joint work
with Seth Marvel, Jon Kleinberg, and Bobby Kleinberg. 

Fri, 02 Mar 2012

Mathematics of Phase Transitions From pde' s to many particle systems and back?

Stephan Luckhaus

What is a phase transition?

The first thing that comes to mind is boiling and freezing of water. The material clearly changes its behaviour without any chemical reaction. One way to arrive at a mathematical model is to associate different material behavior, ie., constitutive laws, to different phases. This is a continuum physics viewpoint, and when a law for the switching between phases is specified, we arrive at pde problems. The oldest paper on such a problem by Clapeyron and Lame is nearly 200 years old; it is basically on what has later been called the Stefan problem for the heat equation.

The law for switching is given e.g. by the melting temperature. This can be taken to be a phenomenological law or thermodynamically justified as an equilibrium condition.

The theory does not explain delayed switching (undercooling) and it does not give insight in structural differences between the phases.

To some extent the first can be explained with the help of a free energy associated with the interface between different phases. This was proposed by Gibbs, is relevant on small space scales, and leads to mean curvature equations for the interface – the so-called Gibbs Thompson condition.

The equations do not by themselves lead to a unique evolution. Indeed to close the resulting pde’s with a reasonable switching or nucleation law is an open problem.

Based on atomistic concepts, making use of surface energy in a purely phenomenological way, Becker and Döring developed a model for nucleation as a kinetic theory for size distributions of nuclei. The internal structure of each phase is still not considered in this ansatz.

An easier problem concerns solid-solid phase transitions. The theory is furthest developped in the context of equilibrium statistical mechanics on lattices, starting with the Ising model for ferromagnets. In this context phases correspond to (extremal) equilibrium Gibbs measures in infinite volume. Interfacial free energy appears as a finite volume correction to free energy.

The drawback is that the theory is still basically equilibrium and isothermal. There is no satisfactory theory of metastable states and of local kinetic energy in this framework.

Fri, 10 Feb 2012

The topology and geometry of automorphism groups of free groups

Professor Karen Vogtmann
(Cornell University)

Free groups, free abelian groups and fundamental groups of

closed orientable surfaces are the most basic and well-understood examples

of infinite discrete groups. The automorphism groups of these groups, in

contrast, are some of the most complex and intriguing groups in all of

mathematics. I will give some general comments about geometric group

theory and then describe the basic geometric object, called Outer space,

associated to automorphism groups of free groups.

This Colloquium talk is the first of a series of three lectures given by

Professor Vogtmann, who is the European Mathematical Society Lecturer. In

this series of three lectures, she will discuss groups of automorphisms

of free groups, while drawing analogies with the general linear group over

the integers and surface mapping class groups. She will explain modern

techniques for studying automorphism groups of free groups, which include

a mixture of topological, algebraic and geometric methods.

Fri, 04 Nov 2011

Hydrodynamic quantum analogues

Professor John W.M Bush
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Yves Couder and co-workers have recently reported the results of a startling series of experiments in which droplets bouncing on a fluid surface exhibit several dynamical features previously thought to be peculiar to the microscopic realm. In an attempt to 

develop a connection between the fluid and quantum systems, we explore the Madelung transformation, whereby Schrodinger's equation is recast in a hydrodynamic form. New experiments are presented, and indicate the potential value of this hydrodynamic approach to both visualizing and understanding quantum mechanics.


Fri, 24 Jun 2011

"Random matrices, subfactors, free probability and planar algebra."

Professor Sir Vaughan Jones
(University of California)

Voiculescu showed how the large N limit of the expected value of the trace of a word on n independent hermitian NxN matrices gives a well known von Neumann algebra. In joint work with Guionnet and Shlyakhtenko it was shown that this idea makes sense in the context of very general planar algebras where one works directly in the large N limit. This allowed us to define matrix models with a non-integral  number of random matrices. I will present this work and some of the subsequent work, together with future hopes for the theory.


Fri, 03 Jun 2011

‘Aspects of the work of Dan Quillen’.

Prof Graeme Segal

Graeme Segal shall describe some of Dan Quillen’s work, focusing on his amazingly productive period around 1970, when he not only invented algebraic K-theory in the form we know it today, but also opened up several other lines of research which are still in the front line of mathematical activity. The aim of the talk will be to give an idea of some of the mathematical influences which shaped him, of his mathematical perspective, and also of his style and his way of approaching mathematical problems.

Fri, 04 Mar 2011

``New Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes"

Prof Arkani-Hamed

 "Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories and gravity have extraordinary properties that are completely invisible in the textbook formulation of quantum field theory using Feynman diagrams. In this usual approach, space-time locality and quantum-mechanical unitarity are made manifest at the cost of introducing huge gauge redundancies in our description of physics. As a consequence, apart from the very simplest processes, Feynman diagram calculations are enormously complicated, while the final results turn out to be amazingly simple, exhibiting hidden infinite-dimensional symmetries. This strongly suggests the existence of a new formulation of quantum field theory where locality and unitarity are derived concepts, while other physical principles are made more manifest. The past few years have seen rapid advances towards uncovering this new picture, especially for the maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in four dimensions.

These developments have interwoven and exposed connections between a remarkable collection of ideas from string theory, twistor theory and integrable systems, as well as a number of new mathematical structures in algebraic geometry. In this talk I will review the current state of this subject and describe a number of ongoing directions of research."

Fri, 28 Jan 2011

"h-principle and fluid dynamics"

Professor Camillo De Lellis.

There are nontrivial solutions of the incompressible Euler equations which are compactly supported in space and time. If they were to model the motion of a real fluid, we would see it suddenly start moving after staying at rest for a while, without any action by an external force. There are C1 isometric embeddings of a fixed flat rectangle in arbitrarily small balls of the three dimensional space. You should therefore be able to put a fairly large piece of paper in a pocket of your jacket without folding it or crumpling it. I will discuss the corresponding mathematical theorems, point out some surprising relations and give evidences that, maybe, they are not merely a mathematical game.

Fri, 12 Nov 2010

Non linear problems involving anomalous diffusion

Professor Luis Caffarelli

Anomalous ( non local) diffusion processes appear in many subjects: phase transition, fracture dynamics, game theory I will describe some of the issues involved, and in particular, existence and regularity for some non local versions of the p Laplacian, of non variational nature, that appear in non local tug of war.

Fri, 22 Oct 2010

The sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality and related inequalities in quantitative form.

Nicola Fusco

The isoperimetric inequality is a fundamental tool in many geometric and analytical issues, beside being the starting point for a great variety of other important inequalities.

We shall present some recent results dealing with the quantitative version of this inequality, an old question raised by Bonnesen at the beginning of last century. Applications of the sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality to other classic inequalities and to eigenvalue problems will be also discussed.

Fri, 11 Jun 2010

Tanagawa Numbers via Nonabelian Poincare Duality

Professor Jacob Lurie
(Harvard University)

Let L be a positive definite lattice. There are only finitely many positive definite lattices

L' which are isomorphic to L modulo N for every N > 0: in fact, there is a formula for the number of such lattices, called the Siegel mass formula. In this talk, I'll review the Siegel mass formula and how it can be deduced from a conjecture of Weil on volumes of adelic points of algebraic groups. This conjecture was proven for number fields by Kottwitz, building on earlier work of Langlands and Lai. I will conclude by sketching joint work (in progress) with Dennis Gaitsgory, which uses topological ideas to attack Weil's conjecture in the case of function fields.

Fri, 14 May 2010

Convergence of renormalization

Professor Artur Avila

Since the work of Feigenbaum and Coullet-Tresser on universality in the period doubling bifurcation, it is been understood that crucial features of unimodal (one-dimensional) dynamics depend on the behavior of a renormalization (and infinite dimensional) dynamical system. While the initial analysis of renormalization was mostly focused on the proof of existence of hyperbolic fixed points, Sullivan was the first to address more global aspects, starting a program to prove that the renormalization operator has a uniformly hyperbolic (hence chaotic) attractor. Key to this program is the proof of exponential convergence of renormalization along suitable ``deformation classes'' of the complexified dynamical system. Subsequent works of McMullen and Lyubich have addressed many important cases, mostly by showing that some fine geometric characteristics of the complex dynamics imply exponential convergence.

We will describe recent work (joint with Lyubich) which moves the focus to the abstract analysis of holomorphic iteration in deformation spaces. It shows that exponential convergence does follow from rougher aspects of the complex dynamics (corresponding to precompactness features of the renormalization dynamics), which enables us to conclude exponential convergence in all cases.

Fri, 26 Feb 2010

Algebraic Geometry and Feynman Amplitudes

Professor Pierre Cartier (IHES)

We shall report on the use of algebraic geometry for the calculation of Feynman amplitudes (work of Bloch, Brown, Esnault and Kreimer). Or how to combine Grothendieck's motives with high energy physics in an unexpected way, radically distinct from string theory.

Fri, 22 Jan 2010

Modular Forms, K-theory and Knots

Professor Don Zagier

Many problems from combinatorics, number theory, quantum field theory and topology lead to power series of a special kind called q-hypergeometric series. Sometimes, like in the famous Rogers-Ramanujan identities, these q-series turn out to be modular functions or modular forms. A beautiful conjecture of W. Nahm, inspired by quantum theory, relates this phenomenon to algebraic K-theory.

In a different direction, quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds also sometimes seem to have modular or near-modular properties, leading to new objects called "quantum modular forms".

Fri, 27 Nov 2009

Finite generation of the canonical ring after Lazic

Professor Alessio Corti

A key birational invariant of a compact complex manifold is its "canonical ring."

The ring of modular forms in one or more variables is an example of a canonical ring. Recent developments in higher dimensional algebraic geometry imply that the canonical ring is always finitely generated:this is a long-awaited major foundational result in algebraic geometry.

In this talk I define all the terms and discuss the result, some applications, and a recent remarkable direct proof by Lazic.

Fri, 23 Oct 2009

*My Nonlinear Odyssey : Analytics*, * Simulation & Visualization *

Professor Norm Zabusky
(Weizmann Institute)

An overview of the early history of the soliton (1960-1970) and equipartition in nonlinear 1D lattices : From Fermi-Pasta-Ulam to Korteweg de Vries, to Nonlinear Schrodinger*…., and recent developments .