Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 16 Oct 2007

Combinatorial Problems in Conservation Biology

Charles Semple
(University of Canterbury, NZ)
A central task in conservation biology is measuring, predicting, and preserving biological diversity as species face extinction. Dating back to 1992, phylogenetic diversity is a prominent notion for measuring the biodiversity of a collection of species. This talk gives a flavour of some the combinatorial and algorithmic problems and recent solutions associated with computing this measure. This is joint work with Magnus Bordewich (Durham University, UK) and Andreas Spillner (University of East Anglia, UK).
Tue, 09 Oct 2007

Tying down the diameter of G(n,p).

Bruce Reed
We show that the diameter of G(n,p) is concentrated on one of three values provided the average degree p(n-1) goes to infity with n. This is joint work with N. Fountoulakis even though he refuses to admit it.