Forthcoming events in this series

Fri, 29 Feb 2008

Self-simplification and 0-1 laws in multiscale reaction networks

Professor Alex Gorban
(University of Leicester)

Multiscale ensembles of reaction networks with well separated constants are introduced and typical properties of such systems are studied. For any given ordering of reaction rate constants the explicit approximation of steady state, relaxation spectrum and related eigenvectors (``modes") is presented. The obtained multiscale approximations are computationally cheap and robust. Some of results obtained are rather surprising and unexpected. First of all is the zero-one asymptotic of eigenvectors (asymptotically exact lumping; but these asymptotic lumps could intersect). Our main mathematical tools are auxiliary discrete dynamical systems on finite sets and specially developed algorithms of ``cycles surgery"

for reaction graphs. Roughly speaking, the dynamics of linear multiscale networks transforms into the dynamics on finite sets of reagent names.

A.N. Gorban and O. Radulescu, Dynamic and static limitation in multiscale reaction networks, Advances in Chemical Engineering, 2008 (in press), arXiv e-print:

A.N. Gorban and O. Radulescu, Dynamical robustness of biological networks with hierarchical distribution of time scales, IET Syst.

Biol., 2007, 1, (4), pp. 238-246.