Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 04 Feb 2020

Lightning Laplace and Stokes solvers

Pablo Brubeck

We extend the lightning Laplace solver (Gopal and Trefethen, SINUM 2019) to unbounded domains and to the biharmonic equation. Illustrating the high accuracy of such methods, we get beautiful contour plots of Moffatt eddies.

Tue, 04 Feb 2020

Matrix Factorization with Expander Graphs

Michael Murray

Many computational techniques in data science involve the factorization of a data matrix into the product of two or more structured matrices. Examples include PCA, which relies on computing an SVD, recommendation systems, which leverage non-negative matrix factorization, infilling missing entries with low rank matrix completion, and finding sparse representations via dictionary learning. In our work we study a new matrix factorization problem, involving the recovery of $\textbf{A}$ and $\textbf{X}$ from $\textbf{Y} := \textbf{A}\textbf{X}$ under the following assumptions; $\textbf{A}$ is an $m \times n$ sparse binary matrix with a fixed number $d$ of nonzeros per column and $\textbf{X}$ is an $n \times N$ sparse real matrix whose columns have $k$ nonzeros and are dissociated. This setup is inspired and motivated by similar models studied in the dictionary learning literature as well as potential connections both with stochastic block models and combinatorial compressed sensing. In this talk we present a new algorithm, EBR, for solving this problem, as well as recovery guarantees in the context of a particular probabilistic data model. Using the properties of expander graphs we are able to show, under certain assumptions, that with just $N = \textit{O}( \log^2(n))$ samples then EBR recovers the factorization up to permutation with high probability. 

Tue, 28 Jan 2020

Dimensionality reduction techniques for global optimization

Adilet Otemissov

We show that the scalability challenges of Global Optimisation algorithms can be overcome for functions with low effective dimensionality, which are constant along certain linear subspaces. Such functions can often be found in applications, for example, in hyper-parameter optimization for neural networks, heuristic algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems and complex engineering simulations. We propose the use of random subspace embeddings within a(ny) global minimisation algorithm, extending the approach in Wang et al. (2016). Using tools from random matrix theory and conic integral geometry, we investigate the efficacy and convergence of our random subspace embeddings approach, in a static and/or adaptive formulation. We illustrate our algorithmic proposals and theoretical findings numerically, using state of the art global solvers. This work is joint with Coralia Cartis.

Tue, 28 Jan 2020

Stable Computation of Generalized Polar Decompositions

Carolin Penke

The QDWH algorithm can compute the polar decomposition of a matrix in a stable and efficient way. We generalize this method in order to compute generalized polar decompositions with respect to signature matrices. Here, the role of the QR decomposition is played by the hyperbolic QR decomposition. However, it doesn't show the same favorable properties concerning stability as its orthogonal counterpart. Remedies are found by exploiting connections to the LDL^T factorization and by employing well-conditioned permuted graph bases. The computed polar decomposition is used to formulate a structure-preserving spectral divide-and-conquer method for pseudosymmetric matrices. Applications of this method are found in computational quantum physics, where eigenvalues and eigenvectors describe optical properties of condensed matter or molecules. Additional properties guarantee fast convergence and a reduction to symmetric definite eigenvalue problems after just one step of spectral divide-and-conquer.

Tue, 21 Jan 2020

Nonlinear Subspace Correction Methods

Thomas Roy

Subspace correction (SSC) methods are based on a "divide and conquer" strategy, where a global problem is divided into a sequence of local ones. This framework includes iterative methods such as Jacobi iteration, domain decomposition, and multigrid methods. We are interested in nonlinear PDEs exhibiting highly localized nonlinearities, for which Newton's method can take many iterations. Instead of doing all this global work, nonlinear SSC methods tackle the localized nonlinearities within subproblems. In this presentation, we describe the SSC framework, and investigate combining Newton's method with nonlinear SSC methods to solve a regularized Stefan problem.

Tue, 21 Jan 2020

Vandermonde with Arnoldi

Nick Trefethen

Vandermonde matrices are exponentially ill-conditioned, rendering the familiar “polyval(polyfit)” algorithm for polynomial interpolation and least-squares fitting ineffective at higher degrees. We show that Arnoldi orthogonalization fixes the problem.

Tue, 03 Dec 2019

Estimation of ODE models with discretization error quantification

Takeru Matsuda
(University of Tokyo)

We consider estimation of ordinary differential equation (ODE) models from noisy observations. For this problem, one conventional approach is to fit numerical solutions (e.g., Euler, Runge–Kutta) of ODEs to data. However, such a method does not account for the discretization error in numerical solutions and has limited estimation accuracy. In this study, we develop an estimation method that quantifies the discretization error based on data. The key idea is to model the discretization error as random variables and estimate their variance simultaneously with the ODE parameter. The proposed method has the form of iteratively reweighted least squares, where the discretization error variance is updated with the isotonic regression algorithm and the ODE parameter is updated by solving a weighted least squares problem using the adjoint system. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improves estimation accuracy by accounting for the discretization error in a data-driven manner. This is a joint work with Yuto Miyatake (Osaka University).

Tue, 03 Dec 2019

On symmetrizing the ultraspherical spectral method for self-adjoint problems

Mikael Slevinsky
(University of Manitoba)

A mechanism is described to symmetrize the ultraspherical spectral method for self-adjoint problems. The resulting discretizations are symmetric and banded. An algorithm is presented for an adaptive spectral decomposition of self-adjoint operators. Several applications are explored to demonstrate the properties of the symmetrizer and the adaptive spectral decomposition.


Tue, 26 Nov 2019

State-of-the-art Linear Algebra methods can bring significant speedups to ADMM

Nikitas Rontsis

The Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is a widely popular first-order method for solving convex optimization problems. Its simplicity is arguably one of the main reasons for its popularity. For a broad class of problems, ADMM iterates by repeatedly solving perhaps the two most standard Linear Algebra problems: linear systems and symmetric eigenproblems. In this talk, we discuss how employing standard Krylov-subspace methods for ADMM can lead to tenfold speedups while retaining convergence guarantees.

Tue, 26 Nov 2019

Subspace Gauss-Newton for Nonlinear Least-Squares

Constantin Puiu

Subspace methods have the potential to outperform conventional methods, as the derivatives only need to be computed in a smaller dimensional subspace. The sub-problem that needs to be solved at each iteration is also smaller in size, and thus the Linear Algebra cost is also lower. However, if the subspace is not selected "properly", the progress per iteration can be significantly much lower than the progress of the equivalent full-space method. Thus, "improper" selection of the subspace results in subspace methods which are actually more computationally expensive per unit of progress than their full-space alternatives. The popular subspace selection methods (such as randomized) fall into this category when the objective function does not have a known (exploitable) structure. We provide a simple and effective rule to choose the subspace in the "right way" when the objective function does not have a structure. We focus on Gauss-Newton and Least-Squares, but the idea can be generalised to any other solvers and/or objective functions. We show theoretically that the cost of this strategy per unit progress lies in between (approximately) 50% and 100% of the cost of Gauss-Newton, and give an intuition why in practice, it should be closer to the favorable end of the spectrum. We confirm these expectations by running numerical experiments on the CUTEst32 test set. We also compare the proposed selection method with randomized subspace selection. We briefly show that the method is globally convergent and has a 2-step quadratic asymptotic rate of convergence for zero-residual problems.

Tue, 19 Nov 2019

An approximate message passing algorithm for compressed sensing MRI

Charles Millard

The Approximate Message Passing (AMP) algorithm is a powerful iterative method for reconstructing undersampled sparse signals. Unfortunately, AMP is sensitive to the type of sensing matrix employed and frequently encounters convergence problems. One case where AMP tends to fail is compressed sensing MRI, where Fourier coefficients of a natural image are sampled with variable density. An AMP-inspired algorithm constructed specifically for MRI is presented that exhibits a 'state evolution', where at every iteration the image estimate before thresholding behaves as the ground truth corrupted by Gaussian noise with known covariance. Numerical experiments explore the practical benefits of such effective noise behaviour.

Tue, 19 Nov 2019

Quotient-Space Boundary Element Methods for Scattering at Multi-Screens

Carolina Urzua Torres

Boundary integral equations (BIEs) are well established for solving scattering at bounded infinitely thin objects, so-called screens, which are modelled as “open surfaces” in 3D and as “open curves” in 2D. Moreover, the unknowns of these BIEs are the jumps of traces across $\Gamma$. Things change considerably when considering scattering at multi-screens, which are arbitrary arrangements of thin panels that may not be even locally orientable because of junction points (2D) or junction lines (3D). Indeed, the notion of jumps of traces is no longer meaningful at these junctions. This issue can be solved by switching to a quotient space perspective of traces, as done in recent work by Claeys and Hiptmair. In this talk, we present the extension of the quotient-space approach to the Galerkin boundary element (BE) discretization of first-kind BIEs. Unlike previous approaches, the new quotient-space BEM relies on minimal geometry information and does not require any special treatment at junctions. Moreover, it allows for a rigorous numerical analysis.

Tue, 12 Nov 2019

Overview of a quotient geometry with simple geodesics for the manifold of fixed-rank positive-semidefinite matrices

Estelle Massart
(UC Louvain)

We describe the main geometric tools required to work on the manifold of fixed-rank symmetric positive-semidefinite matrices: we present expressions for the Riemannian logarithm and the injectivity radius, to complement the already known Riemannian exponential. This manifold is particularly relevant when dealing with low-rank approximations of large positive-(semi)definite matrices. The manifold is represented as a quotient of the set of full-rank rectangular matrices (endowed with the Euclidean metric) by the orthogonal group. Our results allow understanding the failure of some curve fitting algorithms, when the rank of the data is overestimated. We illustrate these observations on a dataset made of covariance matrices characterizing a wind field.

Tue, 12 Nov 2019

Computing multiple local minima of topology optimisation problems

Ioannis Papadopoulos

Topology optimisation finds the optimal material distribution of a fluid or solid in a domain, subject to PDE and volume constraints. There are many formulations and we opt for the density approach which results in a PDE, volume and inequality constrained, non-convex, infinite-dimensional optimisation problem without a priori knowledge of a good initial guess. Such problems can exhibit many local minima or even no minima. In practice, heuristics are used to obtain the global minimum, but these can fail even in the simplest of cases. In this talk, we will present an algorithm that solves such problems and systematically discovers as many of these local minima as possible along the way.  

Tue, 05 Nov 2019

Parameter Optimization in a Global Ocean Biogeochemical Model

Sophy Oliver

Ocean biogeochemical models used in climate change predictions are very computationally expensive and heavily parameterised. With derivatives too costly to compute, we optimise the parameters within one such model using derivative-free algorithms with the aim of finding a good optimum in the fewest possible function evaluations. We compare the performance of the evolutionary algorithm CMA-ES which is a stochastic global optimization method requiring more function evaluations, to the Py-BOBYQA and DFO-LS algorithms which are local derivative-free solvers requiring fewer evaluations. We also use initial Latin Hypercube sampling to then provide DFO-LS with a good starting point, in an attempt to find the global optimum with a local solver. This is joint work with Coralia Cartis and Samar Khatiwala.

Tue, 05 Nov 2019

Globally convergent least-squares optimisation methods for variational data assimilation

Maha Kaouri
(University of Reading)

The variational data assimilation (VarDA) problem is usually solved using a method equivalent to Gauss-Newton (GN) to obtain the initial conditions for a numerical weather forecast. However, GN is not globally convergent and if poorly initialised, may diverge such as when a long time window is used in VarDA; a desirable feature that allows the use of more satellite data. To overcome this, we apply two globally convergent GN variants (line search & regularisation) to the long window VarDA problem and show when they locate a more accurate solution versus GN within the time and cost available.
Joint work with Coralia Cartis, Amos S. Lawless, Nancy K. Nichols.

Tue, 29 Oct 2019

Deciphering pattern formation via normal forms

Priya Subramanian

Complex spatial patterns such as superlattice patterns and quasipatterns occur in a variety of physical systems ranging from vibrated fluid layers to crystallising soft matter. Reduced order models that describe such systems are usually PDEs. Close to a phase transition, modal expansion along with perturbation methods can be applied to convert the PDEs to normal form equations in the form of coupled ODEs. I use equivariant bifurcation theory along with homotopy methods (developed in computational algebraic geometry) to obtain all solutions of the normal form equations in a non-iterative method. I want to talk about how this approach allows us to ask new questions about the physical systems of interest and what extensions to this method might be possible. This forms a step in my long-term interest to explore how to better ‘complete’ a bifurcation diagram!

Tue, 29 Oct 2019

14:00 - 14:30

Sketching for Linear Least Squares

Zhen Shao

We discuss sketching techniques for sparse Linear Least Squares (LLS) problems, that perform a randomised dimensionality reduction for more efficient and scalable solutions. We give theoretical bounds for the accuracy of the sketched solution/residual when hashing matrices are used for sketching, quantifying carefully the trade-off between the coherence of the original, un-sketched matrix and the sparsity of the hashing matrix. We then use these bounds to quantify the success of our algorithm that employs a sparse factorisation of the sketched matrix as a preconditioner for the original LLS, before applying LSQR. We extensively compare our algorithm to state-of-the-art direct and iterative solvers for large-scale and sparse LLS, with encouraging results.

Tue, 22 Oct 2019

14:30 - 15:00

An optimal polynomial approximation of Brownian motion

James Foster

In this talk, I will present a strong (or pathwise) approximation of standard Brownian motion by a class of orthogonal polynomials. Most notably, the coefficients obtained from this expansion are independent Gaussian random variables. This will enable us to generate approximate Brownian paths by matching certain polynomial moments. To conclude the talk, I will discuss related works and applications to numerical methods for SDEs.

Tue, 22 Oct 2019

14:00 - 14:30

A neural network based policy iteration algorithm with global H^2 -superlinear convergence for stochastic games on domains

Yufei Zhang

In this work, we propose a class of numerical schemes for solving semilinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs (HJBI) boundary value problems which arise naturally from exit time problems of diffusion processes with controlled drift. We exploit policy iteration to reduce the semilinear problem into a sequence of linear Dirichlet problems, which are subsequently approximated by a multilayer feedforward neural network ansatz. We establish that the numerical solutions converge globally in the H^2 -norm, and further demonstrate that this convergence is superlinear, by interpreting the algorithm as an inexact Newton iteration for the HJBI equation. Moreover, we construct the optimal feedback controls from the numerical value functions and deduce convergence. The numerical schemes and convergence results are then extended to oblique derivative boundary conditions. Numerical experiments on the stochastic Zermelo navigation problem and the perpetual American option pricing problems are presented to illustrate the theoretical results and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

Tue, 15 Oct 2019

Finite Element Methods for Intrinsic Geometric Flows

Evan Gawlik
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Partial differential equations governing unknown or evolving geometries are ubiquitous in applications and challenging to discretize. A great deal of numerical work in this area has focused on extrinsic geometric flows, where the evolving geometry is a curve or surface embedded in Euclidean space. Much less attention has been paid to the discretization of intrinsic geometric flows, where the evolving geometry is described by a Riemannian metric. This talk will present finite element discretizations of such flows.

Tue, 15 Oct 2019

Wilkinson, numerical analysis, and me

Nick Trefethen

The two courses I took from Wilkinson as a graduate student at Stanford influenced me greatly.  Along with some reminiscences of those days, this talk will touch upon backward error analysis, Gaussian elimination, and Evariste Galois.  It was originally presented at the Wilkinson 100th Birthday conference in Manchester earlier this year.


Tue, 08 Oct 2019

Robust multigrid for linear elasticity and incompressible flow

Florian Wechsung

We study nearly singular PDEs that arise in the solution of linear elasticity and incompressible flow. We will demonstrate, that due to the nearly singular nature, standard methods for the solution of the linear systems arising in a finite element discretisation for these problems fail. We motivate two key ingredients required for a robust multigrid scheme for these equations and construct robust relaxation and prolongation operators for a particular choice of discretisation.

Tue, 08 Oct 2019

Traces of Class/Cross-Class Structure Pervade Deep Learning Spectra

Vardan Papyan
(Stanford University)

Numerous researchers recently applied empirical spectral analysis to the study of modern deep learning classifiers. We identify and discuss an important formal class/cross-class structure and show how it lies at the origin of the many visually striking features observed in deepnet spectra, some of which were reported in recent articles and others unveiled here for the first time. These include spectral outliers and small but distinct bumps often seen beyond the edge of a "main bulk". The structure we identify organizes the coordinates of deepnet features and back-propagated errors, indexing them as an NxC or NxCxC array. Such arrays can be indexed by a two-tuple (i,c) or a three-tuple (i,c,c'), where i runs across the indices of the train set; c runs across the class indices and c' runs across the cross-class indices. This indexing naturally induces C class means, each obtained by averaging over the indices i and c' for a fixed class c. The same indexing also naturally defines C^2 cross-class means, each obtained by averaging over the index i for a fixed class c and a cross-class c'. We develop a formal process of spectral attribution, which is used to show the outliers are attributable to the C class means; the small bump next to the "main bulk" is attributable to between-cross-class covariance; and the "main bulk" is attributable to within-cross-class covariance. Formal theoretical results validate our attribution methodology.
We show how the effects of the class/cross-class structure permeate not only the spectra of deepnet features and backpropagated errors, but also the gradients, Fisher Information matrix and Hessian, whether these are considered in the context of an individual layer or the concatenation of them all. The Kronecker or Khatri-Rao product of the class means in the features and the class/cross-class means in the backpropagated errors approximates the class/cross-class means in the gradients. These means of gradients then create C and C^2 outliers in the spectrum of the Fisher Information matrix, which is the second moment of these gradients. The outliers in the Fisher Information matrix spectrum then create outliers in the Hessian spectrum. We explain the significance of this insight by proposing a correction to KFAC, a well known second-order optimization algorithm for training deepnets.