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  • Ball, J.M.; Schryvers, D.: The formation of macrotwins in NiAl martensite, Proceedings of IUTAM symposium on Mechanics of Martensitic Phase Transformation in Solids, Hong Kong, Kluwer (2001), to appear. Gzipped postscript file
  • Bevan, J.: An example of a C{1,1} polyconvex function with no differentiable convex representative, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 336, 11–14 (2003). Postscript file
  • Davini C.; Paroni, R.: Generalized Hessian and external approximations in variational problems involving the Hessian, in preparation.
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  • Fonseca, I.; Leoni, G.; Maly, J.; Paroni, R.: A note on Meyers’ theorem in W{k,1}, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354, 3723–3741 (2002).
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  • McMillan, E.: Multiscale correction to solitary wave solutions on FPU lattices, Nonlinearity 15, 1685–1697 (2002).
  • Mielke, A.; Theil, F.: On rate-independent hysteresis models, to appear in Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl. (2001).
  • Pagano, S.; Paroni, R.: A simple model for phase transitions: from the discrete to the continuum problem. Gzipped postscript file
  • Paroni, R.: From discrete to continuum problems: a Young measure approach. Submitted to ZAMP.
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  • Paroni, R.: Theory of linearly elastic residually stressed plates, in preparation.
  • Schryvers, D.; Boullay, P.; Potapov, P.L.; Kohn, R.V.; Ball, J.M.: Microstructures and Interfaces in NiAl Martensite: Comparing HRTEM Observations with Continuum Theories, Proceedings IUTAM symposium on Material Instabilities and Microstructure, Austin, Texas, Elsevier (2001), to appear.
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  • Theil, F.: Relaxation of rate-independent evolution problems, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 132, 463–481 (2002). Postscript file
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