
Race Equality Action Plan

EDIC convened a working group to develop a departmental Race Equality Action Plan, in consideration of quantitative data (including, for example, staff and student survey results, student admissions and attainment data, and staff recruitment and retention data) and qualitative data to better understand the issues faced by the BME community in mathematics (for example, a focus group session and online survey).

The action plan aligns with the University’s Race Equality Charter submission and the recommendations of the University’s Race Equality Taskforce, as well as the action plan in place at the Department of Statistics.

Department Committee approved the action plan in Trinity Term 2022. EDIC is responsible for progress towards the objectives throughout the year, with an overarching annual review expected each Trinity Term. 

Race Equality Action Plan Objectives

  1. Continue to increase the proportion of Black and Mixed Black undergraduate students in the Department (home students)
  2. Investigate whether there is a BME student progression differential at UG degree classification. 
  3. Investigate whether there is a BME awarding gap at PGT level
  4. Continue to increase the proportion of Black and Mixed Black students at
    • a) Postgraduate Taught
    • b) Postgraduate Research
  5. Seek ways to improve the overall experience of BME students
  6. Increase the ethnic diversity of our staff body
    • a) Academic Faculty
    • b) Early Career Researchers
    • c) Professional Services Staff
  7. Seek fair representation of BME staff in decision-making at all levels across the Department.
  8. Seek ways to improve the overall experience of BME staff
  9. Streamline reporting processes and provide informative ethnicity data to relevant committees in a systematic way
  10. Engage the department with race equality in order to create an inclusive culture
  11. Diversify the curriculum – to promote and celebrate a full range of diversity in scholarship, learning and teaching
  12. Encourage and support visitors, to foster a global research network

If you have any comments or questions, or would like to get involved in any aspect of this work, please contact @email.  

Last updated on 14 Oct 2022, 6:22pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.