Shortlisting Process - PSS

The shortlisting pack will be circulated to the selection panel via the NextCloud file sharing service. Those with a Maths account should log in using their Maths credentials. Panel members external to the Department will be provided with a link and password to access the files by the Recruitment Team.

In addition to the application materials, a shortlisting pack including the Guidance for Appointment, Briefing on Unconscious Bias and Introduction to Conflicts of Interest will be circulated to all panel members. Panel members are reminded that they must declare any conflicts of interest by emailing these to the Recruitment Team prior to the shortlisting meeting.

Shortlisting pack materials PSS.pdf 

MI Guidelines for Appointments_2.pdf

Briefing on Unconscious Bias_0.pdf

Introduction to Conflicts of Interest_0.pdf

University Policies and Procedures on Conflicts of Interest_0.pdf

Priority Candidates

The Recruitment Team will notify the panel when circulating the applications whether any individual has applied as a priority candidate. A priority candidate is either;

  • A member of staff with 2 or more years’ continuous service with the University, who has either been told that they are at risk of redundancy or is within 3 months of the end of a fixed-term contract and has confirmed that they wish to seek redeployment
  • A disabled member of staff for whom redeployment to a more suitable post is being sought

Where a priority candidate appears to meet the selection criteria for the post, they must be shortlisted for an interview and should be given the opportunity to be interviewed before the other candidates. If unsuccessful, the candidate should be provided with a letter outlining the reasons for the rejection in relation to the selection criteria.

Further guidance on priority candidates can be found here, or by contacting @email.


Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 06 Sep 2022 11:40.