Dissertation Topics Titles 2022-23

Mathematical Institute

Please note the following topics are only open to Part C Maths, Maths & Phil, Maths & CompSci and OMMS students. For current students please see the full proposals here.



Representations of finite Hecke algebras - Prof D Ciubotaru

Conservation Laws of Chemical Reaction Networks - Dr H Rahkooy and Prof H Harrington

Applications of Syzygies in Biochemical Networks - Dr H Rahkooy and Prof H Harrington

Algebraic Methods for Maximum Likelihood Estimation - Dr J Coons

Homotopy Type Theory - Prof Y Kremnitzer

Mathematical Consciousness Science - Prof Y Kremnitzer

Equations in finite groups and probability - Prof N Nikolov



Penrose’s impulsive gravitational waves, Lorentzian synthetic spaces and optimal transport - Prof A Mondino

Optimal transport theory applied to PDEs - Dr A Esposito

Convolution equations and mean-periodicity - Prof J Kristensen

On the regularity for elliptic equations and systems - Prof L Nguyen

Cauchy Problems in General Relativity - Prof Q Wang

C*-Algebras - Prof S White


Geometry, Number Theory and Topology

Applications of Topological Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography - Dr A Brown and Prof H Harrington

Number of solutions to equations over finite fields - Prof A Lauder

Modular Forms and Elliptic Curve - Dr A Horawa

The Manin-Mumford conjecture - Prof D Rossler

The Chebotarev density theorem and its effective versions - Prof E Breuillard

Topological data analysis of CODEX multiplexed images in colorectal cancer - Dr I Yoon, Prof H Harrington and Prof H Byrne

The Twin Prime Conjecture - Prof J Maynard

Iwasawa Theory - Prof J Newton

Almost-periodicity in additive number theory - Dr T Bloom

Local Fields and the Hasse Principle - Prof V Flynn



Ramsey theories - Prof E Hrushovski

Kim Indepdence - Prof E Hrushovski


Mathematical Methods and Applications 

Untangling Knots Through Curve Repulsion - Dr R Bailo

Algebraic Topology and Machine Learning for Modelling Flow in Porous Media - Dr A Yim

Droplets on lubricated solid surfaces - Prof D Vella

Pattern formation and travelling waves in heterogeneous populations using aggregation-diffusion equations - Dr D Martinson

Modelling solid-body tides - Dr H Hay and Prof I Hewitt

Evolution of thin liquid films - Prof J Oliver

How directed are directed networks - Prof R Lambiotte


Mathematical Physics

The Classification of 2D Conformal Field Theories - Prof A Henriques

Formation of Planetary Rings - A Granular Gas Approach - Dr R Bailo


Numerical Analysis and Data Science

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Dr A Kormilitzin

AAA Rational Approximation - Prof N Trefethen

Flood prediction using machine learning - Dr Y Sun

Topics in Randomised Numerical Linear Algebra - Prof Y Nakatsukasa


Stochastics, Discrete Mathematics and Information

String graphs - Prof A Scott

Categorical Approaches to Probability - Dr D Lee

From algorithmic learning in a random world to algorithmic learning - Prof H Oberhauser

Black-Scholes versus stochastic volatility models as hedging tools - Prof M Monoyios

Wasserstein Space of Measures and Distributionally Robust Optimization - Prof J Obloj


History of Mathematics

Students wishing to do a dissertation based on the History of Mathematics should contact Christopher Hollings at @email by Wednesday of week 1 with a short draft proposal. All decisions will be communicated to students by the end of week 2.

All supported proposals , will then be referred to Projects Committee who meet in week 4 for final approval. With the support of Dr Hollings students must submit a COD Dissertation Proposal Form to Projects Committee by the end of week 3.


Department of Statistics

Please note that Part C Mathematics and Statistics students MUST select from the list of the below topics. OMMS students are also able to select the Statistics and Probability projects from the Department of Statistics.

It may be possible for a Maths student to complete a Statistics dissertation, however, the priority when allocating will be the Maths & Stats and OMMS students. If you are interested, please email @email for more information.

An alternative to the log-likelihood for clustering - Dr G Mena

Applications of Machine Learning to Drug Discovery - Prof G M Morris

Bayesian analysis of rank data - Prof G Nicholls

Brownian bees - branching and selection - Prof J Berestycki

Epidemiology models with contract tracing - Prof J Berestycki and Dr F Foutel-Rodier

Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation models of molecular scaffold assembly - Dr D Nissley

Knowledge (Self) distillation in machine learning - Prof F Caron

Limit order book and fundamentals-driven embeddings of financial instruments for portfolio selection - Prof M Cucuringu

Multiple testing and hypothesis aggregation - Prof D Steinsaltz

Parking functions, trees, and parking on trees - Prof C Goldschmidt

Partially Stochastic Networks - Dr T Rainforth

Probability and Statistics for Genetics - Prof R Davies

Proximal Causal Inference - Prof R Evans

Separation results for methods based on implicit regularization - Prof P Rebeschini

Two Sample Mendelian Randomisation - Prof F Windmeijer

Understanding COVID-19 in New York State schools in the 2020-23 and 2021-22 school years - Prof C Donnelly

Upper and Lower Bounds on the Probability of Finite Union of Events - Dr J Yang

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 22 Aug 2023 16:53.