Thu, 08 Nov 2012
13:00 - 14:00
DH 1st floor SR
Doyne Farmer

Market impact, leverage, systemic risk, and the perils of mark-to-market accounting

Market impact is the price change associated with new buy or sell orders entering the market. It provides a useful alternative to thinking in terms of supply and demand for several reasons, the most important being that there is theoretical and empirical evidence that it follows a universal law. Understanding market impact is essential for adjusting investment size, for optimizing execution tactics, and provides a useful tool for understanding market ecology and systemic risk. I will present a new method for impact-adjusted accounting, and show how it can avoid the serious problems of marking-to-market when leverage is used. Then I will discuss how market impact can be combined with network theory to understand the problem of overlapping portfolios and market crowding. Since I am a new faculty member, at the beginning of the talk I will say a bit about my interests and current projects.

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