Seminar series
Tue, 27 Nov 2012
Mark Wildon
Royal Holloway

Let G be a permutation group acting on a set Omega. For g in G, let pi(g) denote the partition of Omega given by the orbits of g. The set of all partitions of Omega is naturally ordered by refinement and admits lattice operations of meet and join. My talk concerns the groups G such that the partitions pi(g) for g in G form a sublattice. This condition is highly restrictive, but there are still many interesting examples. These include centralisers in the symmetric group Sym(Omega) and a class of profinite abelian groups which act on each of their orbits as a subgroup of the Prüfer group. I will also describe a classification of the primitive permutation groups of finite degree whose set of orbit partitions is closed under taking joins, but not necessarily meets.

This talk is on joint work with John R. Britnell (Imperial College).

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