Thu, 14 Feb 2013
14:00 - 15:00
Gibson Grd floor SR
Professor Simon Chandler-Wilde
University of Reading

We address, in the study of acoustic scattering by 2D and 3D planar screens, three inter-related and challenging questions. Each of these questions focuses particularly on the formulation of these problems as boundary integral equations. The first question is, roughly, does it make sense to consider scattering by screens which occupy arbitrary open sets in the plane, and do different screens cause the same scattering if the open sets they occupy have the same closure? This question is intimately related to rather deep properties of fractional Sobolev spaces on general open sets, and the capacity and Haussdorf dimension of their boundary. The second question is, roughly, that, in answering the first question, can we understand explicitly and quantitatively the influence of the frequency of the incident time harmonic wave? It turns out that we can, that the problems have variational formations with sesquilinear forms which are bounded and coercive on fractional Sobolev spaces, and that we can determine explicitly how continuity and coercivity constants depend on the frequency. The third question is: can we design computational methods, adapted to the highly oscillatory solution behaviour at high frequency, which have computational cost essentially independent of the frequency? The answer here is that in 2D we can provably achieve solutions to any desired accuracy using a number of degrees of freedom which provably grows only logarithmically with the frequency, and that it looks promising that some extension to 3D is possible.



This is joint work with Dave Hewett, Steve Langdon, and Ashley Twigger, all at Reading.

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