Seminar series
Thu, 30 May 2013
Gibson 1st Floor SR
James Robinson
University of Warwick
    In 1985 Moffatt suggested that stationary flows of the 3D Euler equations with non-trivial topology could be obtained as the time-asymptotic limits of certain solutions of the equations of magnetohydrodynamics. Heuristic arguments also suggest that the same is true of the system
    \[ -\Delta u+\nabla p=(B\cdot\nabla)B\qquad\nabla\cdot u=0\qquad \]
    \[ B_t-\eta\Delta B+(u\cdot\nabla)B=(B\cdot\nabla)u \] when $\eta=0$.

    In this talk I will discuss well posedness of this coupled elliptic-parabolic equation in the two-dimensional case when $B(0)\in L^2$ and $\eta$ is positive.
    Crucial to the analysis is a strengthened version of the 2D Ladyzhenskaya inequality: $\|f\|_{L^4}\le c\|f\|_{L^{2,\infty}}^{1/2}\|\nabla f\|_{L^2}^{1/2}$, where $L^{2,\infty}$ is the weak $L^2$ space. I will also discuss the problems that arise in the case $\eta=0$.

    This is joint work with David McCormick and Jose Rodrigo.
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