Thu, 17 Oct 2013
16:00 - 17:00
Stephen Coombes
University of Nottingham

Neural field models describe the coarse-grained activity of populations of

interacting neurons. Because of the laminar structure of real cortical

tissue they are often studied in two spatial dimensions, where they are well

known to generate rich patterns of spatiotemporal activity. Such patterns

have been interpreted in a variety of contexts ranging from the

understanding of visual hallucinations to the generation of

electroencephalographic signals. Typical patterns include localised

solutions in the form of travelling spots, as well as intricate labyrinthine

structures. These patterns are naturally defined by the interface between

low and high states of neural activity. Here we derive the equations of

motion for such interfaces and show, for a Heaviside firing rate, that the

normal velocity of an interface is given in terms of a non-local Biot-Savart

type interaction over the boundaries of the high activity regions. This

exact, but dimensionally reduced, system of equations is solved numerically

and shown to be in excellent agreement with the full nonlinear integral

equation defining the neural field. We develop a linear stability analysis

for the interface dynamics that allows us to understand the mechanisms of

pattern formation that arise from instabilities of spots, rings, stripes and

fronts. We further show how to analyse neural field models with

linear adaptation currents, and determine the conditions for the dynamic

instability of spots that can give rise to breathers and travelling waves.

We end with a discussion of amplitude equations for analysing behaviour in

the vicinity of a bifurcation point (for smooth firing rates). The condition

for a drift instability is derived and a center manifold reduction is used

to describe a slowly moving spot in the vicinity of this bifurcation. This

analysis is extended to cover the case of two slowly moving spots, and

establishes that these will reflect from each other in a head-on collision.

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