Thu, 07 Nov 2013
16:00 - 17:00
David Marshall

The ocean is populated by an intense geostrophic eddy field with a dominant energy-containing scale on the order of 100 km at midlatitudes. Ocean climate models are unlikely routinely to resolve geostrophic eddies for the foreseeable future and thus development and validation of improved parameterisations is a vital task. Moreover, development and validation of improved eddy parameterizations is an excellent strategy for testing and advancing our understanding of how geostrophic ocean eddies impact the large-scale circulation.

A new mathematical framework for parameterising ocean eddy fluxes is developed that is consistent with conservation of energy and momentum while retaining the symmetries of the original eddy fluxes. The framework involves rewriting the residual-mean eddy force, or equivalently the eddy potential vorticity flux, as the divergence of an eddy stress tensor. A norm of this tensor is bounded by the eddy energy, allowing the components of the stress tensor to be rewritten in terms of the eddy energy and non-dimensional parameters describing the mean "shape" of the eddies. If a prognostic equation is solved for the eddy energy, the remaining unknowns are non-dimensional and bounded in magnitude by unity. Moreover, these non-dimensional geometric parameters have strong connections with classical stability theory. For example, it is shown that the new framework preserves the functional form of the Eady growth rate for linear instability, as well as an analogue of Arnold's first stability theorem. Future work to develop a full parameterisation of ocean eddies will be discussed.

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