Tue, 13 May 2014
17:00 - 18:15
Aaron Tikuisis

Inspired largely by the fact that commutative C*-algebras correspond to

(locally compact Hausdorff) topological spaces, C*-algebras are often

viewed as noncommutative topological spaces. In particular, this

perspective has inspired notions of noncommutative dimension: numerical

isomorphism invariants for C*-algebras, whose value at C(X) is equal to

the dimension of X. This talk will focus on certain recent notions of

dimension, especially decomposition rank as defined by Kirchberg and Winter.

A particularly interesting part of the dimension theory of C*-algebras

is occurrences of dimension reduction, where the act of tensoring

certain canonical C*-algebras (e.g. UHF algebras, Cuntz' algebras O_2

and O_infinity) can have the effect of (drastically) lowering the

dimension. This is in sharp contrast to the commutative case, where

taking a tensor product always increases the dimension.

I will discuss some results of this nature, in particular comparing the

dimension of C(X,A) to the dimension of X, for various C*-algebras A. I

will explain a relationship between dimension reduction in C(X,A) and

the well-known topological fact that S^n is not a retract of D^{n+1}.

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