Mon, 16 Jun 2014
17:00 - 18:00
Konstantina Trivisa
University of Maryland

We investigate the dynamics of a class of tumor growth

models known as mixed models. The key characteristic of these type of

tumor growth models is that the different populations of cells are

continuously present everywhere in the tumor at all times. In this

work we focus on the evolution of tumor growth in the presence of

proliferating, quiescent and dead cells as well as a nutrient.

The system is given by a multi-phase flow model and the tumor is

described as a growing continuum such that both the domain occupied by the tumor as well as its boundary evolve in time. Global-in-time weak solutions

are obtained using an approach based on penalization of the boundary

behavior, diffusion and viscosity in the weak formulation.

Further extensions will be discussed.

This is joint work with D. Donatelli.

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