Mon, 18 May 2015
17:00 - 18:00
Mikhail Korobkov
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

In the talk we present a survey of recent results (see [4]-[6]) on the existence theorems for the steady-state Navier-Stokes boundary value problems in the plane and axially symmetric 3D cases for bounded and exterior domains (the so called Leray problem, inspired by the classical paper [8]). One of the main tools is the Morse-Sard Theorem for the Sobolev functions $f\in W^2_1(\mathbb R^2)$ [1] (see also [2]-[3] for the multidimensional case). This theorem guaranties that almost all level lines of such functions are $C^1$-curves besides the function $f$ itself could be not $C^1$-regular.

Also we discuss the recent Liouville type theorem for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations for  axially symmetric 3D solutions in the absence of swirl (see [1]).


  1.  Bourgain J., Korobkov M. V., Kristensen J., On the Morse-Sard property and level sets of Sobolev and BV functions, Rev. Mat. Iberoam.,  29 , No. 1, 1-23  (2013).
  2. Bourgain J., Korobkov M. V., Kristensen J., On the Morse-Sard property and level sets of $W^{n,1}$ Sobolev functions on $\mathbb R^n$, Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) (Online first 2013).
  3. Korobkov M. V., Kristensen J., On the Morse-Sard Theorem for the sharp case of Sobolev mappings, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 63, No. 6, 1703-1724  (2014).
  4. Korobkov M. V., Pileckas K., Russo R., The existence theorem for steady Navier-Stokes equations in the axially symmetric case, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 14, No. 1, 233-262  (2015).
  5. Korobkov M. V., Pileckas K., Russo R., Solution of Leray's problem for stationary Navier-Stokes equations in plane and axially symmetric spatial domains,  Ann. of Math., 181, No. 2, 769-807  (2015).
  6. Korobkov M. V., Pileckas K., Russo R., The existence theorem for the steady Navier-Stokes problem in exterior axially symmetric 3D domains, 2014, 75 pp.,
  7. Korobkov M. V., Pileckas K., Russo R., The Liouville Theorem for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Problem for Axially Symmetric 3D Solutions in Absence of Swirl, J. Math. Fluid Mech. (Online first 2015).
  8. Leray J., Étude de diverses équations intégrals nonlinéaires et de quelques problèmes que pose l'hydrodynamique, J. Math. Pures Appl., 9, No. 12, 1- 82 (1933).
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