Seminar series
Mon, 16 Nov 2015
Romain Tessera
Université Paris XI, ORSAY

It is well-known that a complete Riemannian manifold M which is locally isometric to a symmetric space is covered by a symmetric space. We will prove that a discrete version of this property (called local to global rigidity) holds for a large class of vertex-transitive graphs, including Cayley graphs of torsion-free lattices in simple Lie groups, and Cayley graph of torsion-free virtually nilpotent groups. By contrast, we will exhibit various examples of Cayley graphs of finitely presented groups (e.g. PGL(5, Z)) which fail to have this property, answering a question of Benjamini, Ellis, and Georgakopoulos. This is a joint work with Mikael de la Salle.

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