Thu, 10 Nov 2016
16:00 - 17:00
OCIAM Group Meeting
University of Oxford

Ousman Kodio

Lubricated wrinkles: imposed constraints affect the dynamics of wrinkle coarsening

We investigate the problem of an elastic beam above a thin viscous layer. The beam is subjected to
a fixed end-to-end displacement, which will ultimately cause it to adopt the Euler-buckled
state. However, additional liquid must be drawn in to allow this buckling. In the interim, the beam
forms a wrinkled state with wrinkles coarsening over time. This problem has been studied
experimentally by Vandeparre \textit{et al.~Soft Matter} (2010), who provides a scaling argument
suggesting that the wavelength, $\lambda$, of the wrinkles grows according to $\lambda\sim t^{1/6}$.
However, a more detailed theoretical analysis shows that, in fact, $\lambda\sim(t/\log t)^{1/6}$.
We present numerical results to confirm this and show that this result provides a better account of
previous experiments.


Edward Rolls

Multiscale modelling of polymer dynamics: applications to DNA

We are interested in generalising existing polymer dynamics models which are applicable to DNA into multiscale models. We do this by simulating localized regions of a polymer chain with high spatial and temporal resolution, while using a coarser modelling approach to describe the rest of the polymer chain in order to increase computational speeds. The simulation maintains key macroscale properties for the entire polymer. We study the Rouse model, which describes a polymer chain of beads connected by springs by developing a numerical scheme which considers the a filament with varying spring constants as well as different timesteps to advance the positions of different beads, in order to extend the Rouse model to a multiscale model. This is applied directly to a binding model of a protein to a DNA filament. We will also discuss other polymer models and how it might be possible to introduce multiscale modelling to them.

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