Seminar series
Tue, 02 May 2017
Beth Romano
Cambridge University

Let G be a split reductive group over a finite extension k of Q_p. Reeder and Yu have given a new construction of supercuspidal representations of G(k) using geometric invariant theory. Their construction is uniform for all p but requires as input stable vectors in certain representations coming from Moy-Prasad filtrations. In joint work, Jessica Fintzen and I have classified the representations of this kind which contain stable vectors; as a corollary, the construction of Reeder-Yu gives new representations when p is small. In my talk, I will give an overview of this work, as well as explicit examples for the case when G = G_2. For these examples, I will explicitly describe the locus of all stable vectors, as well as the Langlands parameters which correspond under the local Langlands correspondence to the representations of G(k). 

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