Mon, 19 Feb 2018
Lucas Ambrozio
University of Warwick

In a given ambient Riemannian manifold with boundary, geometric objects of particular interest are those properly embedded submanifolds that are critical points of the volume functional, when allowed variations are only those that preserve (but not necessarily fix) the ambient boundary. This variational condition translates into a quite nice geometric condition, namely, minimality and orthogonal intersection with the ambient boundary. Even when the ambient manifold is simply a ball in the Euclidean space, the theory of these objects is very rich and interesting. We would like to discuss several aspects of the theory, including our own contributions to the subject on topics such as: classification results, index estimates and compactness (joint works with different groups of collaborators - I. Nunes, A. Carlotto, B. Sharp, R. Buzano -  will be appropriately mentioned). 

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