Seminar series
Tue, 20 Feb 2018
12:00 - 13:00
Daniele Cassese
University of Namur

The structure of the state of art of scientific research is an important object of study motivated by the understanding of how research evolves and how new fields of study stem from existing research. In the last years complex networks tools contributed to provide insights on the structure of research, through the study of collaboration, citation and co-occurrence networks, in particular keyword co-occurrence networks proved useful to provide maps of knowledge inside a scientific domain. The network approach focuses on pairwise relationships, often compressing multidimensional data structures and inevitably losing information. In this paper we propose to adopt a simplicial complex approach to co-occurrence relations, providing a natural framework for the study of higher-order relations in the space of scientific knowledge. Using topological methods we explore the shape of concepts in mathematical research, focusing on homological cycles, regions with low connectivity in the simplicial structure, and we discuss their role in the understanding of the evolution of scientific research. In addition, we map authors’ contribution to the conceptual space, and explore their role in the formation of homological cycles.

Authors: Daniele Cassese, Vsevolod Salnikov, Renaud Lambiotte

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