Seminar series
Mon, 04 Jun 2018
Anna Erschler
ENS Paris

Answering a question of Milnor, Grigorchuk constructed in the early eighties the
first examples of groups of intermediate growth, that is, finitely generated
groups with growth strictly between polynomial and exponential.
In  joint work with Laurent Bartholdi, we show that under a mild regularity assumption, any function greater than exp(n^a), where `a' is a solution of the equation
  2^(3-3/x)+ 2^(2-2/x)+2^(1-1/x)=2,
is a growth function of some group. These are the first examples of groups
of intermediate growth where the asymptotic of  the growth function is known.
Among applications of our results is the fact that any group of locally subexponential growth
can be embedded as a subgroup of some group of intermediate growth (some of these latter groups cannot be  subgroups in Grigorchuk groups).

In a recent work with Tianyi Zheng, we  provide  near optimal lower bounds
for Grigorchuk torsion groups, including the first Grigorchuk group. Our argument is by a construction of random walks with non-trivial Poisson boundary, defined by 
a measure with power law decay.

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