Fri, 27 Apr 2018
Oliver Vipond
Oxford University

Single parameter persistent homology has proven to be a useful data analytic tool and single parameter persistence modules enjoy a concise description as a barcode, a complete invariant. [Bubenik, 2012] derived a topological summary closely related to the barcode called the persistence landscape which is amenable to statistical analysis and machine learning techniques.

The theory of multidimensional persistence modules is presented in [Carlsson and Zomorodian, 2009] and unlike the single parameter case where one may associate a barcode to a module, there is not an analogous complete discrete invariant in the multiparameter setting. We propose an incomplete invariant derived from the rank invariant associated to a multiparameter persistence module, which generalises the single parameter persistence landscape in [Bubenik, 2012] and satisfies similar stability properties with respect to the interleaving distance. Our invariant naturally lies in a Banach Space and so is naturally endowed with a distance function, it is also well suited to statistical analysis since there is a uniquely defined mean associated to multiple landscapes. We shall present computational examples in the 2-parameter case using the RIVET software presented in [Lesnick and Wright, 2015].

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