Fri, 11 May 2018
Steve Oudot
Ecole Polytechnique

How can we adapt the Topological Data Analysis (TDA) pipeline to use several filter functions at the same time? Two orthogonal approaches can be considered: (1) running the standard 1-parameter pipeline and doing statistics on the resulting barcodes; (2) running a multi-parameter version of the pipeline, still to be defined. In this talk I will present two recent contributions, one for each approach. The first contribution considers intrinsic compact metric spaces and shows that the so-called Persistent Homology Transform (PHT) is injective over a dense subset of those. When specialized to metric graphs, our analysis yields a stronger result, namely that the PHT is injective over a subset of full measurem which allows for sufficient statistics. The second contribution investigates the bi-parameter version of the TDA pipeline and shows a decomposition result "à la Crawley-Boevey" for a subcategory of the 2-parameter persistence modules called "exact modules". This result has an impact on the study of interlevel-sets persistence and on that of sheaves of vector spaces on the real line. 

This is joint work with Elchanan Solomon on the one hand, with Jérémy Cochoy on the other hand.

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