Seminar series
Mon, 05 Nov 2018
David Ellis
Queen Mary University of London

Let F be a fixed infinite, vertex-transitive graph. We say a graph G is `r-locally F' if for every vertex v of G, the ball of radius r and centre v in G is isometric to the ball of radius r in F. For each positive integer n, let G_n = G_n(F,r) be a graph chosen uniformly at random from the set of all unlabelled, n-vertex graphs that are r-locally F. We investigate the properties that the random graph G_n has with high probability --- i.e., how these properties depend upon the fixed graph F. 
We show that if F is a Cayley graph of a torsion-free group of polynomial growth, then there exists a positive integer r_0 such that for every integer r at least r_0, with high probability the random graph G_n = G_n(F,r) defined above has largest component of size between n^{c_1} and n^{c_2}, where 0 < c_1 < c_2  < 1 are constants depending upon F alone, and moreover that G_n has at least exp(poly(n)) automorphisms. This contrasts sharply with the random d-regular graph G_n(d) (which corresponds to the case where F is replaced by the infinite d-regular tree).
Our proofs use a mixture of results and techniques from group theory, geometry and combinatorics, including a recent and beautiful `rigidity' result of De La Salle and Tessera.
We obtain somewhat more precise results in the case where F is L^d (the standard Cayley graph of Z^d): for example, we obtain quite precise estimates on the number of n-vertex graphs that are r-locally L^d, for r at least linear in d, using classical results of Bieberbach on crystallographic groups.
Many intriguing open problems remain: concerning groups with torsion, groups with faster than polynomial growth, and what happens for more general structures than graphs.
This is joint work with Itai Benjamini (Weizmann Institute).

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