Seminar series
Tue, 14 May 2019
Neil Saunders
University of Greenwich

For $G$ connected, reductive algebraic group defined over $\mathbb{C}$ the Springer Correspondence gives a bijection between the irreducible representations of the Weyl group $W$ of $G$ and certain pairs comprising a $G$-orbit on the nilpotent cone of the Lie algebra of $G$ and an irreducible local system attached to that $G$-orbit. These irreducible representations can be concretely realised as a W-action on the top degree homology of the fibres of the Springer resolution. These Springer fibres are geometrically very rich and provide interesting Weyl group combinatorics: for instance, the irreducible components of these Springer fibres form a basis for the corresponding irreducible representation of $W$. In this talk, I'll give a general survey of the Springer Correspondence and then discuss recent joint projects with Daniele Rosso, Vinoth Nandakumar and Arik Wilbert on Kato's Exotic Springer correspondence.

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