Seminar series
Mon, 14 Jan 2019
Philip Candelas

The zeta-function of a manifold varies with the parameters and may be evaluated in terms of the periods. For a one parameter family of CY manifolds, the periods satisfy a single 4th order differential equation. Thus there is a straight and, it turns out, readily computable path that leads from a differential operator to a zeta-function. Especially interesting are the specialisations to singular manifolds, for which the zeta-function manifests modular behaviour. We are also able to find, from the zeta function, attractor points. These correspond to special values of the parameter for which there exists a 10D spacetime for which the 6D corresponds to a CY manifold and the 4D spacetime corresponds to an extremal supersymmetric black hole. These attractor CY manifolds are believed to have special number theoretic properties. This is joint work with Xenia de la Ossa, Mohamed Elmi and Duco van Straten.

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