Seminar series
Mon, 18 Mar 2019
Gabriel Pallier
Université Paris-Sud 11

The large-scale features of groups and spaces are recorded by asymptotic invariants. Examples of asymptotic invariants are the asymptotic cone and, for hyperbolic groups, the Gromov boundary.
In his study of asymptotic cones of connected Lie groups, Yves Cornulier introduced a class of maps called sublinearly biLipschitz equivalences. Like the more traditionnal quasiisometries, sublinearly biLipschitz equivalences are biLipschitz on the large-scale, but unlike quasiisometries, they are generally not coarse. Sublinearly biLipschitz equivalences still induce biLipschitz homeomorphisms between asymptotic cones. In this talk, I will focus on Gromov-hyperbolic groups and show how the Gromov boundary can be used to produce invariants distinguishing them up to sublinearly biLipschitz equivalences when the asymptotic cones do not. I will especially give applications to the large-scale sublinear geometry of hyperbolic Lie groups.

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