Seminar series
Mon, 10 Jun 2019
Michael Davis
Ohio State University

This is a report on work in progress with Jingyin Huang. The complement of an arrangement of linear hyperplanes in a complex vector space has a natural “Borel-Serre bordification” as a smooth manifold with corners. Its universal cover is analogous to the Borel-Serre bordification of an arithmetic lattice acting on a symmetric space as well as to the Harvey bordification of Teichmuller space. In the first case the boundary of this bordification is homotopy equivalent to a spherical building; in the second case it is homotopy equivalent to curve complex of the surface. In the case of a reflection arrangement the boundary of its universal cover is the “curve complex” of the corresponding spherical Artin group. By definition this is the simplicial complex of all conjugates of proper, irreducible, spherical parabolic subgroups in the Artin group. A cohomological method is used to show that the curve complex of a spherical Artin group has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres.

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