Thu, 14 Nov 2019
16:00 - 17:30
Priya Subramanian
University of Oxford

The dynamics of many physical systems often evolve to asymptotic states that exhibit periodic spatial and temporal variations in their properties such as density, temperature, etc. Such regular patterns look the same when moved by a basic unit and/or rotated by certain special angles. They possess both translational and rotational symmetries giving rise to discrete spatial Fourier transforms. In contrast, an aperiodic crystal displays long range spatial order but no translational symmetry. 

Recently, quasicrystals which are related to aperiodic crystals have been observed to form in diverse physical systems such as metallic alloys (atomic scale) and dendritic-, star-, and block co-polymers (molecular scale). Such quasicrystals lack the lattice symmetries of regular crystals, yet have discrete Fourier spectra. We look to understand the minimal mechanism which promotes the formation of such quasicrystalline structures using a phase field crystal model. Direct numerical simulations combined with weakly nonlinear analysis highlight the parameter values where the quasicrystals are the global minimum energy state and help determine the phase diagram. 

By locating parameter values where multiple patterned states possess the same free energy (Maxwell points), we obtain states where a patch of one type of pattern (for example, a quasicrystal) is present in the background of another (for example, the homogeneous liquid state) in the form of spatially localized dodecagonal (in 2D) and icosahedral (in 3D) quasicrystals. In two dimensions, we compute several families of spatially localized quasicrystals with dodecagonal structure and investigate their properties as a function of the system parameters. The presence of such meta-stable localized quasicrystals is significant as they may affect the dynamics of the crystallisation in soft matter.

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