This autumn we welcomed the first students on the EPSRC CDT in Mathematics of Random Systems: Analysis, Modelling and Algorithms. The CDT (Centre for Doctoral Training) is a partnership between the Mathematical Institute and the Department of Statistics here in Oxford, and the Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London. Its ambition is to train the next generation of academic and industry experts in stochastic modelling, advanced computational methods and Data Science. 

In the first year, students follow four core courses on Foundation areas as well as three elective courses, and undertake a supervised research project, which then evolves into a PhD thesis. Our first cohort of 16 students joined in September for an introductory week of intensive courses in Oxford on stochastic analysis, data science, function spaces and programming. Course director Rama Cont (Oxford), and co-directors Thomas Cass (Imperial) and Ben Hambly (Oxford) put the students through their paces with the first week ending with a round of junk yard golf - a perfect tool for applying mathematics skills to the world around us.

Over the year the students will spend some of their days on courses at Oxford and some at Imperial, take part in residential courses in the UK and overseas while all the time firming up their research plans with supervisors at their home department.

In addition to our main funding from EPSRC, we have received support from our industrial partners including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan and InstaDeep. We are excited to see our first cohort of students start their 4 year journeys. Applications are now open for fully funded studentships to start in Autumn 2020. Find out more.


Posted on 18 Oct 2019, 4:27pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.