Seminar series
Mon, 27 Apr 2020
Eric Sharpe -- ZOOM SEMINAR
Virginia Tech

In this talk, we will discuss two-dimensional theories with discrete

one-form symmetries, examples (which we have been studying

since 2005), their properties, and gauging of the one-form symmetry.

Their most important property is that such theories decompose into a

disjoint union of theories, recently deemed `universes.'

This decomposition has the effect of restricting allowed nonperturbative

sectors, in a fashion one might deem a `multiverse interference effect,'

which has had applications in topics including Gromov-Witten theory and

gauged linear sigma model phases.  After reviewing one-form symmetries

and decomposition in general, we will discuss a particular 

example in detail to explicitly illustrate these properties and 

to demonstrate how

gauging the one-form symmetry projects onto summands in the

decomposition.  If time permits, we will briefly review

analogous phenomena in four-dimensional theories with three-form symmetries,

as recently studied by Tanizaki and Unsal.

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