Thu, 14 May 2020
16:00 - 17:00
Andreas Sojmark
(Imperial College, London)


Abstract: In this talk we start by introducing a simple model for interbank default contagion in the vein of the  seminal clearing frameworks of Eisenberg & Noe (2001) and Rogers & Veraart (2013). The key feature, and main novelty, consists in combining stochastic dynamics of the external assets with a simple but realistic balance sheet methodology for determining early defaults. After first developing the model for a finite number of banks, we present a natural way of passing to the mean field limit such that the original network structure (of the interbank obligations) is maintained in a meaningful way. Thus, we provide a clear connection between the more classical network-based literature on systemic risk and the recent approaches rooted in stochastic particle systems and mean field theory.

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