Fri, 21 Aug 2020
15:00 - 16:00
Adélie Garin
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

The TMD algorithm (Kanari et al. 2018) computes the barcode of a neuron (tree) with respect to the radial or path distance from the soma (root). We are interested in the inverse problem: how to understand the space of trees that are represented by the same barcode. Our tool to study this spaces is the stochastic TNS algorithm (Kanari et al. 2020) which generates trees from a given barcode in a biologically meaningful way. 

I will present some theoretical results on the space of trees that have the same barcode, as well as the effect of adding noise to the barcode. In addition, I will provide a more combinatorial perspective on the space of barcodes, expressed in terms of the symmetric group. I will illustrate these results with experiments based on the TNS.

This is joint work with L. Kanari and K. Hess. 

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