Seminar series
Fri, 12 Mar 2021
16:00 - 17:00
Elena Gal and Alexandre Bovet

Speaker: Elena Gal (4pm)

Title: Associativity and Geometry

Abstract: An operation # that satisfies a#(b#c)=(a#b)#c is called "associative". Associativity is "common" - if we are asked to give an example of operation we are more likely to come up with one that has this property. However if we dig a bit deeper we encounter in geometry, topology and modern physics many operations that are not associative "on the nose" but rather up to an equivalence. We will talk about how to describe and work with this higher associativity notion.

Speaker: Alexandre Bovet (4:30pm)

Title: Investigating disinformation in social media with network science

While disinformation and propaganda have existed since ancient times, their importance and influence in the age of
social media is still not clear.  We investigate the spread of disinformation and traditional misinformation in Twitter in the context of the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections. We analyse the information diffusion networks by reconstructing the retweet networks corresponding to each type of news and the top news spreaders of each network are identified. Our investigation provides new insights into the dynamics of news diffusion in Twitter, namely our results suggests that disinformation is governed by a different diffusion mechanism than traditional centre and left-leaning news. Centre and left leaning traditional news diffusion is driven by a small number of influential users, mainly journalists, and follow a diffusion cascade in a network with heterogeneous degree distribution which is typical of diffusion in social networks, while the diffusion of disinformation seems to not be controlled by a small set of users but rather to take place in tightly connected clusters of users that do not influence the rest of Twitter activity. We also investigate how the situation evolved between 2016 and 2020 and how the top news spreaders from the different news categories have driven the polarization of the Twitter ideological landscape during this time.

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