Mon, 07 Jun 2021
16:00 - 17:00
Anna Dall'Acqua
Ulm University

There is a striking relationship between Willmore surfaces of revolution and elastic curves in hyperbolic half-space. Here the term elastic curve refer to a critical point of the energy given by the integral of the curvature squared. In the talk we will discuss this relationship and use it to study long-time existence and asymptotic behavior for the L2-gradient flow of the Willmore energy, under the condition that the initial datum is a torus of revolution. As in the case of Willmore flow of spheres, we show that if an initial datum has Willmore energy below 8 \pi then the solution of the Willmore flow converges to the Clifford Torus, possibly rescaled and translated. The energy threshold of 8 \pi turns out to be optimal for such a convergence result. 

The lecture is based on joint work with M. Müller (Univ. Freiburg), R. Schätzle (Univ. Tübingen) and A. Spener (Univ. Ulm).

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