Seminar series
Mon, 28 Feb 2022
Christoph Weis

Let $G$ be a compact connected Lie group and $k \in H^4(BG,\mathbb{Z})$ a cohomology class. The String 2-group $G_k$ is the central extension of $G$ by the smooth 2-group $BU(1)$ classified by $k$. It has a close relationship to the level $k$ extension of the loop group $LG$.
We will introduce smooth 2-groups and the associated notion of centre. We then compute this centre for the String 2-groups, leveraging the power of maximal tori familiar from classical Lie theory.
The centre turns out to recover the invertible positive energy representations of $LG$ at level $k$ (as long as we exclude factors of $E_8$ at level 2).


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