Seminar series
Mon, 24 Jan 2022
Murat Kologlu

One of the lasting puzzles in quantum gravity is whether the holographic description of a gravitational system is a single quantum mechanical theory or the disorder average of many. In the latter case, multiple copies of boundary observables do not factorize into a product, but rather have higher moments. These correlations are interpreted in the bulk as due to geometries involving spacetime wormholes which connect disjoint boundaries. 


I will talk about the question of factorization and the role of wormholes for supersymmetric observables, specifically the supersymmetric index. Working with the Euclidean gravitational path integral, I will start with a bulk prescription for computing the supersymmetric index, which agrees with the usual boundary definition. Concretely, I will focus on the setting of charged black holes in asymptotically flat four-dimensional N=2 ungauged supergravity. In this case, the gravitational index path integral has an infinite family of Kerr-Newman classical saddles with different angular velocities. However, fermionic zero-mode fluctuations annihilate the contribution of each saddle except for a single BPS one which yields the expected value of the index. I will then turn to non-perturbative corrections involving spacetime wormholes, and show that fermionic zero modes are present for all such geometries, making their contributions vanish. This mechanism works for both single- and multi-boundary path integrals. In particular, only disconnected geometries without wormholes contribute to the index path integral, and the factorization puzzle that plagues the black hole partition function is resolved for the supersymmetric index. I will also present all other single-centered geometries that yield non-perturbative contributions to the gravitational index of each boundary. Finally, I will discuss implications and expectations for factorization and the status of supersymmetric ensembles in AdS/CFT in further generality. Talk based on [2107.09062] with Luca Iliesiu and Joaquin Turiaci.

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