Seminar series
Mon, 21 Feb 2022
Connor Behan

Holographic correlation functions are under good analytic control when none of the single trace operators live in long multiplets. This is famously the case for SCFTs with sixteen supercharges but it is also possible to construct examples with eight supercharges by exploiting space filling branes in AdS. In particular, one can study 4d N=2 theories which are related to each other by an S-fold in much the same way that N=3 theories are related to N=4 Super Yang-Mills. I will describe how modern methods provide a window into their correlation functions with an emphasis on anomalous dimensions. To compare the different S-folds we will need to go to one loop, and to go to one loop we will need to account for operator mixing. This provides an example of resolving degeneracy by resolving degeneracy.


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