Seminar series
Mon, 16 May 2022
15:30 - 16:30
Ric Wade

Via Poincaré duality, fundamental groups of aspherical manifolds have (appropriately shifted) isomorphisms between their homology and cohomology. In a 1973 Inventiones paper, Bieri and Eckmann defined a broader notion of a Duality Group, where the isomorphism between homology and cohomology can be twisted by what they called a Dualizing Module. Examples of these groups in geometric group theory (after passing to a finite-index subgroup) include $GL(n,\mathbb{Z})$, mapping class groups, and automorphism groups of free groups.

In work-in-progress with Thomas Wasserman we are looking into the following puzzle: the examples of duality groups that we know of that do not come from manifolds all have classifying spaces that satisfy a weaker local condition called the Cohen-Macaulay property. These spaces also satisfy weaker (twisted) versions of Poincaé duality via their local homology sheaves (or local cohomology cosheaves), and we are attempting to understand more about the links between these geometric versions of duality and the algebraic notion of a duality group. The goal of the talk is to explain more about the words used in the above paragraphs and say where we have got to so far.


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