Tue, 03 May 2022
16:00 - 17:00
Ying Fen Lin
Queen's University Belfast

Groupoid C*-algebras and twisted groupoid C*-algebras are introduced by Renault in the late ’70. Twisted groupoid C*-algebras have since proved extremely important in the study of structural properties for large classes of C*-algebras. On the other hand, Steinberg algebras are introduced independently by Steinberg and Clark, Farthing, Sims and Tomforde around 2010 which are a purely algebraic analogue of groupoid C*-algebras. Steinberg algebras provide useful insight into the analytic theory of groupoid C*-algebras and give rise to interesting examples of *-algebras. In this talk, I will first recall some relevant background on topological groupoids and twisted groupoid C*-algebras, then I will introduce twisted Steinberg algebras which generalise the Steinberg algebras and provide a purely algebraic analogue of twisted groupoid C*-algebras. If I have enough time, I will further introduce pair of algebras which consist of a Steinberg algebra and an algebra of locally constant functions on the unit space, it is an algebraic analogue of Cartan pairs

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