Thu, 03 Nov 2022
16:00 - 17:00
Fayçal Drissi

Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are a new prototype of 
trading venues which are revolutionising the way market participants 
interact. At present, the majority of AMMs are Constant Function 
Market Makers (CFMMs) where a deterministic trading function 
determines how markets are cleared. A distinctive characteristic of 
CFMMs is that execution costs for liquidity takers, and revenue for 
liquidity providers, are given by closed-form functions of price, 
liquidity, and transaction size. This gives rise to a new class of 
trading problems. We focus on Constant Product Market Makers with 
Concentrated Liquidity and show how to optimally take and make 
liquidity. We use Uniswap v3 data to study price and liquidity 
dynamics and to motivate the models.

For liquidity taking, we describe how to optimally trade a large 
position in an asset and how to execute statistical arbitrages based 
on market signals. For liquidity provision, we show how the wealth 
decomposes into a fee and an asset component. Finally, we perform 
consecutive runs of in-sample estimation of model parameters and 
out-of-sample trading to showcase the performance of the strategies.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 28 Apr 2023 11:12.