Fri, 21 Oct 2022
Gabor Szabo
KU Leuven

 I will start this talk with a brief introduction and summary of the outcome of a joint work with James Gabe. An important special case of the main result is that for any countable discrete amenable group G, any two outer G-actions on stable Kirchberg algebras are cocycle conjugate precisely when they are equivariantly KK-equivalent. In the main body of the talk, I will outline the key arguments toward a special case of the 'uniqueness theorem', which is one of the fundamental ingredients in our theory: Suppose we have two G-actions on A and B such that B is a stable Kirchberg algebra and the action on B is outer and equivariantly O_2-absorbing. Then any two cocycle embeddings from A to B are approximately unitarily equivalent. If time permits, I will provide a (very rough) sketch of how this leads to the dynamical O_2-embedding theorem, which implies that such cocycle embeddings always exist in the first place.

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