Seminar series
Thu, 13 Oct 2022
Kyle Pratt

For positive integers $k$ and $n$ let $\sigma_k(n)$ denote the sum of the $k$th powers of the divisors of $n$. Erd\H{o}s and Kac conjectured that, for every $k$, the number $\alpha_k = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{\sigma_k(n)}{n!}$ is irrational. This is known conditionally for all $k$ assuming difficult conjectures like the Hardy-Littlewood prime $k$-tuples conjecture. Before our work it was known unconditionally that $\alpha_k$ is irrational if $k\leq 3$. We discuss some of the ideas in our recent proof that $\alpha_4$ is irrational. The proof involves sieve methods and exponential sum estimates.

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