Seminar series
Tue, 18 Oct 2022
Adam Brown
Oxford University

Harish-Chandra's Lefschetz principle suggests that representations of real and p-adic split reductive groups are closely related, even though the methods used to study these groups are quite different. The local Langlands correspondence (as formulated by Vogan) indicates that these representation theoretic relationships stem from geometric relationships between real and p-adic Langlands parameters. In this talk we will discuss how the geometric structure of real and p-adic Langlands parameters lead to functorial relationships between representations of real and p-adic groups. I will describe work in progress which applies this functoriality to the study of unitary representations and signatures of invariant hermitian forms for GL(n). The main result expresses signatures of invariant hermitian forms on graded affine Hecke algebra modules in terms of signature characters of Harish-Chandra modules, which are computable via the unitary algorithm for real reductive groups by Adams-van Leeuwen-Trapa-Vogan.

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